
A Select2 v4 Theme for Bootstrap 3

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

A Select2 v4 Theme for Bootstrap 3

Note: Work in progress – depending on your use case, select2-bootstrap-theme might not be production-ready yet!

Demonstrations available at http://select2.github.io/select2-bootstrap-theme/

Tested with Bootstrap v3.3.6 and Select2 v4.0.3 in latest Chrome, Firefox and Safari (Mac) and Internet Explorer 11 and 10.


The Select2 Bootstrap Theme only works with Select2 v4.x. Applying the theme requires select2-bootstrap.css referenced after the default select2.css that comes with Select2:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="select2.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="select2-bootstrap.css">

To apply the theme, tell Select2 to do so by passing bootstrap to the theme option when initializing Select2:

$( "#dropdown" ).select2({
    theme: "bootstrap"
  • Fixed version number in distribution files.
  • Fixed a bug where math would not compile correctly in Less v2.6.0 [#36].
  • Fixed version number for Bower and NPM.
  • Docs: Updated AnchorJS to latest version.
  • Updated all development dependencies.
  • Added Browsersync, Autoprefixer (as required by bootstrap-sass) and scss2less to the build process.
  • Built on Bootstrap 3 v3.3.6 and corresponding bootstrap-sass.
  • Rewrote the sizing class CSS to work with containerCssClass option available with the full Select2 build. [#34]
  • Added copyright and license information. [#43]
  • Added missing styles for .select2-container--focus. [#18]
  • Added support for Bootstrap's .form-inline. [#13]
  • Added basic styles for .select2-selection__clear in .select2-selection--multiple. [#11]
  • Brought Less source in line with the Sass version and fixed Less patch file and test. [`3e86f34]
  • Fixed specifity problems with .form-control.select2-hidden-accessible.
  • Added Less version.

The project offers Less and Sass sources for building select2-bootstrap.css; both make use of variables from either Bootstrap (Less) or Bootstrap for Sass. The demo pages are built using Jekyll and there are a bunch of Grunt tasks to ease development.

With Ruby and RubyGems, Jekyll, Bower, node.js, Less and Sass installed, run

npm install && bower install

to install all necessary development dependencies.

  • grunt copy copies assets from components to _jekyll – use this in case a new version of Twitter Bootstrap or Select2 are out and need to be tested
  • grunt build builds docs
  • grunt serve builds docs and serves them via Jekyll's --watch flag on http://localhost:4000
  • grunt watch watches for changes in src/select2-bootstrap.scss (livereload is enabled)

Develop in src/select2-bootstrap.scss and test your changes using grunt watch and grunt serve. Ideally, port your changes to lib/select2-bootstrap.less and make sure tests are passing to verify that Less and Sass compile down to the target CSS via npm test.

grunt scss2less helps in converting the Sass source to its Less counterpart (and overwrites the existing src/select2-bootstrap.less), but doesn't do the full job – please review the changes to the Less source file and make the necessary adjustments.

Copyright and license

The license is available within the repository in the LICENSE file.