
katrinafortunes - Sends an Animal Crossing Katrina fortune via SMS.

Primary LanguagePython

Katrina Fortunes


Katrina Fortunes sends fortunes from Animal Crossing's beloved fortune-teller Katrina vis SMS using the Twilio API.

This project was forked from catfacts by 0x27.


Katrina Fortunes is a simple SMS sending tool that iterates over a list of messages to send and sends them with a random delay between messages, ranging from 5 minutes to an hour.

It was inspired by the hilarious "catfacts" prank and is intended to facilitate such lulz.


Enter credentials from your Twilio account. You can find these in your Twilio Developer Console.

sender = Your Twilio phone number in e.164 format. Ex: "+11234567890"

account_sid = Your Twilio account_sid.

auth_token = Your Twilio auth_token.


Run pip install twilio==5.7.0 to install version 5.7 of the Twilio helper library.

Running Katrinafortunes

To run Katrinafortunes, run python katrinafortunes.py <your Twilio number here> Ex: python katrinafortunes.py +11234567890

You should see a response like the following: {+} Launching katrinafortunes against +11234567890 {+} Sending Message! {*} Message sent! {+} Sleeping for 2947


Support the latest version of the Twilio helper library. https://www.twilio.com/docs/libraries/python


Licenced under the "wtfpl license."