
Le but de newbed est d'identifier des hébergements succeptibles d'accueillir des réfugiés

Directory structure / index

  • / - The root directory contains files needed by Heroku:

    • - A simple flask application that serves static content from /static
    • Procfile - Web worker configuration
    • runtime.txt - Python version configuration
  • /static - Contains the current version (on master branch) of

    • index.html - The landing page of
    • map - Contains the map shown on the landing page
  • /workspace - All the data, works in progress and other files not directly used by the website has been moved here

Running the app locally

  • Install virtualenv
  • Create a new virtualenv environment: virtualenv --python=python3 env
  • Activate the environement: source env/bin/activate
  • Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run the app: gunicorn -w 4 newbed_app:app

Deploying the app

To deploy the app, you need access to a Heroku account, you can set one up this way. Once you have an account, you can deploy the app, see "Existing Git repository".


The app is currently running on: