
Keep track of shared articles

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Keep track of shared articles

Getting started


  • Docker
  • docker-compose

Clone the repo, then run:

$ cp example.env .env
$ docker-compose up

Now you should have the application running on localhost.

You can log in with username 'root' and password 'root'.

If you make changes to files locally, the server should reload and reflect the changes. Sometimes it's easier to debug things if you run things locally, see next section.

Set up a local environment

A local environment is needed to run tests and makes it easier to debug the application.


Install dependencies using poetry, and start a poetry shell (a virtual environment with the dependencies loaded):

$ poetry install
$ poetry shell

You can now use manage.py like in a regular Django application. The easiest way to run service dependencies is to start docker-compose (see above). The web server will now run both locally (outside Docker) and in Docker, so a different port needs to be used for the local server, 8080 for example:

$ docker-compose up -d  # if it's not already running
$ poetry shell          # if you're not already in a shell
$ ./linkely/manage.py runserver 8080

If the server doesn't start, check that your .env file has the correct POSTGRES_HOST and ES_HOST set, in this case they should point to localhost normally.

Other useful manage.py commands are:

  • createsuperuser - make a new admin user (root/root is there by default)
  • shell - open a Python shell with Django already loaded, useful for playing around with models etc.
  • test - run tests
  • rescrape - run scraper on all non-scraped articles
  • remove_duplicates - remove any duplicated articles and keep the oldest copy

Run tests

Start docker-compose and configure the app to use the database running in Docker:

$ docker-compose up -d
$ cd linkely
$ POSTGRES_HOST=localhost ./manage.py test
$ docker-compose down

Build front-end requirements

See Semantic UI - Getting started for further instructions.

Install gulp and semantic-ui

cd frontend
sudo npm install -g gulp
npm install semantic-ui --save

Then build semantic

cd semantic
gulp build


See the API docs