
Simple Flask Json REST APi to handle customers

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Customers API

Install the project

Manage and load the virtualenv ;

  • virtualenv env --no-site-package
  • source env/bin/activate

Install the dependencies : python setup.py develop

Deploy the project


Create/Update the database (Default on Postgresql):

  • CREATE DATABASE customers_dev owner dev;
  • python manage.py db upgrade

If you make changes to the models, you have to generate a migration script using: python manage.py db migrate. Review the script manually, in case some elements are missing. Don't forget to upgrade the database after the migration.

If you need to go back to a different database version: python manage.py db downgrade

Display your current version: python manage.py db current


Launch the application: python manage.py runserver

Production mode using gunicorn + nginx + supervisord:

  • Make sure you changed the default SECRET_KEY in conf/config.cfg
  • CUSTOMERS_PROD_CONFIG=/<ABSOLUTE_PATH>/conf/config_prod.cfg
  • Copy the conf/nginx.conf file in sites-available (update the path)
  • Then make a ln in sites-enabled
  • Restart nginx: sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart
  • Copy the supervisord file (update the path in the file)
  • sudo supervisorctl -c /supervisord/supervisord.conf
  • reread
  • update
  • restart flask_customers
  • quit

Go back to the development mode: unset CUSTOMERS_PROD_CONFIG


Create/Update the test database (Default on Postgresql):

  • CREATE DATABASE customers_test owner dev;

Run: python setup.py test -a "tests"

Or if you installed pytest-cov, you can generate a coverage report by running: python setup.py test -a "--cov customers tests/"

Want to make it look fancier ? I don't see why not: python setup.py test -a "--cov-report html --cov customers tests/"

Distribute the project

  • Create a source distribution: python setup.py sdist
  • Create a binary distribution: python setup.py bdist
  • Install in development mode: pyton setup.py develop
  • Install in production mode: python setup.py install

Generate documentation

Sphinx is installed as a requirement. You can run the following at the root of the project to generate the source doc:

sphinx-apidoc -o docs/source customers

Then build the documentation in the HTML format:

cd docs && make html

For more option, checkout the help option of the Makefile.

For a quicker use, run generate_doc.sh

API Usage

Please go through the docs/source/api.rst (or its generated format) for more details about the API and some CURL examples.


CSRF protection is not necessary in a stateless API not relying on sessions or cookies. Source : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21357182/csrf-token-necessary-when-using-stateless-sessionless-authentication

Install Pylint with pip from your virtualenv in order to have it know the libraries installed through pip (and get rid of VIM errors) : pip install -i http://pypi.python.org/simple pylint


  • Refactor tests position ? And unit test the http errors supported
  • Checkout how to use requirements-dev.txt or requirements-test.txt (http://docs.openstack.org/developer/keystone/setup.html)
  • Investigate design for admin side of API (authorization, blueprint)
  • Implement 'active' logic in login.py (?)
  • Checkout CI (tox, gogs+buildbot => github+travis)
  • Checkout openshift free plan
  • Checkout fabric
  • Checkout celery+rabbitmq and design for email service
  • Implement import customer from other CMS/CRM...
  • Use a new table extra and customer_extra to store id|key|type and customer_id|key_id|value