
Django Webapplication to post ideas and share them

Primary LanguagePython

Ideas Webapp

How to

  • Launch the VM and provision it: vagrant up ideas
  • SSH into the VM: vagrant ssh ideas
  • Load the virtualenv: source env/bin/activate
  • Initialize the db: python manage.py migrate
  • Launch the app: python manage.py runserver
  • Create a super user: python manage.py createsuperuser
  • Access the DB: sudo su postgres && psql && \c ideas && \d && \q

Oauth login

This application supports Facebook and Google login, you need to export the keys and secrets:

export IDEAS_FACEBOOK_KEY='facebook-key'
export IDEAS_FACEBOOK_SECRET='facebook-secret'
export IDEAS_GOOGLE_KEY='google-key'
export IDEAS_GOOGLE_SECRET='google-secret'

Webapp access

The port 8000 is forwarded to the host, you HAVE to access the website using this URL: http://localhost:8000/ideas otherwise the login won't work.

The admin panel can be found here: http://localhost:8080/admin.

EC2 deployment

Provisioning the machine

  • ssh -i aws-key.pem user@domain.com
  • export AWS_ACCESS_KEY="..."
  • export AWS_SECRET_KEY="..."
  • ansible-playbook -i inventory --sudo playbook-ec2.yml --ask-sudo-pass

Jenkins job

This is not a best practice, as we should use parameterized jobs to deploy on different environments, but I am using a deployment/ folder at the root of the project, which contains 'live' configurations. Here is the jenkins job to deploy the application:

cd /opt/ideas
virtualenv env --no-site-package
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install gunicorn
cp deployment/settings.py ideas/ideas/settings.py
cp deployment/gunicorn_config.py env
cd ideas
python manage.py migrate
sudo service nginx restart
sudo supervisorctl restart ideas

Unit tests

Run the following command: python manage.py test




  • Functionnal tests (https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/intro/tutorial05/)
  • Fix the admin pages CSS (CSS goes 404 in the admin panel in production mode)
  • Add a cancel button (go back to previous page) on the form page
  • Add a Delete Idea feature in the action bar of the details page
  • Add the tag feature (postgres text array + api + autocomplete field on create page)
  • Use purecss, jquery and quill libs locally (so that later we can minify them)