Employee Management System Java


Project Description

This is a Java-based employee management system that allows you to manage employee information such as personal details, employment details, and experience information. The system provides basic functionality like adding employees, deleting employees, and printing a list of all employees.

Rules :

  1. Each team can participate in only one programming language.
  2. To participate, you must fork this repository, make the necessary changes to the file(s), and then create a pull request (PR) on the main branch with the correct code.
  3. Teams will be ranked based on the time they take to create the PR and the accuracy of their code.
  4. For time-based ranking, only the time taken for the last commit will be considered. Multiple commits can be made in a single PR.
  5. Any commit made after 12 pm will not be considered for any team.
  6. To be ranked based on code, your submitted code must solve all the bugs listed in the project description.
  7. You are allowed to explain your changes using comments.
  8. We hope these rules are clear and easy to follow. Good luck with the contest!


The system provides the following features:

  • Add new employee: You can add a new employee to the system by providing their personal and employment details.
  • Delete employee: You can delete an existing employee from the system by providing their employee ID.
  • Print all employees: You can print a list of all employees in the system, including their personal and employment details.


  • Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on the developer's system
  • Development environment like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDE


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine using a version control tool like Git.
  2. Open the cloned repository in an integrated development environment (IDE) such as IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse.
  3. Navigate to the src folder in the project directory and locate the Main class.
  4. Run the Main class to execute the employee management system.

Linux users can run the project by opening the terminal at the root of the project directory and executing the command ./runner.


  1. Employee name input is not being captured and stored in the system when adding a new employee. This could cause confusion when trying to identify employees by name, and could make it difficult to search for specific employees.
  2. The system is not adding new employees correctly when the add employee method is called. This could be due to a programming error in the method.
  3. Employees are not being properly deleted when the delete employee method is called.


The task is to resolve all the identified bugs within the employee management system, and to create a pull request (PR) with the proposed fixes.

Do not change any file outside the src folder