Halo Suster Backend REST API


This project is a handy web app that helps manage info about users, patients, and nurses. It's built with Go and the Gin web framework, and it uses a PostgreSQL database to keep all the data safe and sound.


  • Go 1.20 or later
  • PostgreSQL 13 or later
  • Docker (optional)
  • AWS S3 bucket (optional; for image upload)


Here are the steps to install the project:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/hnfnfl/halo-suster-be.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd halo-suster-be
  3. Install the required dependencies:

    go mod tidy
  4. Build the binary using Makefile:

    make build
  5. Set up the configuration file in local_configuration/config.yaml

  6. Migrate the database schema:

    make migrate-up
  7. Run the server:

     make run
  8. The server should be running on localhost:8080

Also, you can run the server using Docker:

  1. Build the Docker image:

    make docker-build
  2. Update the environment variables in docker-compose.yml

  3. Run the Docker container:

    make docker-run


The configuration file is located in local_configuration/config.yaml. This file contains the configuration for the database, logging, JWT, and AWS S3.

Here's an example of the configuration file:

Environment: development # development, production
LogLevel: debug # debug, info, warn, error
AUTHEXPIRY: 1 # in hours

  Name: mydb # database name
  Port: 5432 # database port
  Host: localhost # database host
  Username: postgres # database username
  Password: admin # database password
  Params: sslmode=disable # database connection parameters
  MaxIdleConns: 20 # maximum idle connections
  MaxOpenConns: 20 # maximum open connections

  Secret: mysecret # JWT secret key
  BcryptSalt: 10 # Bcrypt salt

  Access.Key.ID: myaccesskey # AWS access key ID
  Secret.Access.Key: mysecretaccesskey # AWS secret access key
  S3.Bucket.Name: mybucketname # AWS S3 bucket name
  Region: ap-southeast-1 # AWS region


The following endpoints are available:

  • POST /v1/user/it/register: Register a new user with the IT role
  • POST /v1/user/it/login: Log in for an IT staff
  • POST /v1/user/nurse/register: Register a new nurse
  • POST /v1/user/nurse/login: Log in for a nurse
  • PUT /v1/user/nurse/:userId: Update a nurse's info
  • DELETE /v1/user/nurse/:userId: Delete a nurse from the database
  • GET /v1/user/: Get all users
  • POST /v1/medical/patient: Register a new patient
  • GET /v1/medical/patient: Get all patients
  • POST /v1/medical/record: Create a new medical record for a patient
  • GET /v1/medical/record: Get all medical records for a patient
  • POST /v1/image: Upload an image to an AWS S3 bucket