User will load up into a Home-Page
- Cloudy or zen feel background and maybe music playing.
- Header with a nav bar and perhaps a starting quote on the homepage.(Header will be visible on all pages.
- Menu bar to the left that holds the authors of each quote.
- Possibly a prompt box of some kind that asks user to sign up for email alerts
- Nav bar will have following pages Home About Quote Send
When user clicks on the About option in the header, they will navigate to the About page:
- Information about the website and the history of the website(possibly add citations here to beef up infomation to give credit
- Background will either be consistant with homepage or something comparable.
- We will have have the creator information here.
IF user navigates back to menu bar a clicks on Quote, they will navigate to the Quote page:
- Quote page will have a different background(maybe something to symbolize the change in material).
- There will be sub-categories within the Quote page *Quote of the day *Quote by Zodiac Sign *Quote by author When user
Stretch Goal Quote-Page
- There will be a floating text there that has the first quote. If user clicks on the quote it will expand.