
ItemCF implement in Mapreduce, and should run in hadoop

Primary LanguageJava



1)查询2014年12月10日到2014年12月13日有多少人浏览了商品 select count(*) from full_shopping where time >= to_date('2014-12-10') and time <= to_date('2014-12-13'); OK 3855684

2)以天为统计单位,依次显示每天网站卖出去的商品的个数 select time,count(*) count from full_shopping group by time order by time;

OK 2014-11-18 684628 2014-11-19 687528 2014-11-20 672189 2014-11-21 634122 2014-11-22 668509 2014-11-23 722978 2014-11-24 718217 2014-11-25 699413 2014-11-26 679323 2014-11-27 689855 2014-11-28 658806 2014-11-29 684442 2014-11-30 751093 2014-12-01 744363 2014-12-02 753810 2014-12-03 788689 2014-12-04 745391 2014-12-05 693593 2014-12-06 732821 2014-12-07 763498 2014-12-08 753138 2014-12-09 767838 2014-12-10 788712 2014-12-11 944979 2014-12-12 1344980 2014-12-13 777013 2014-12-14 779285 2014-12-15 764085 2014-12-16 751370 2014-12-17 734520 2014-12-18 711839