Website against face recognition in public space

this website unses

  • as styling framework
  • sass to generate the css files
  • Bare html files that are appended to each other to form the final html files (ghetto templating)
  • No JS yet (which we need for collapsable burger menus for instances)

Start website locally

With docker

With docker installed simply run

docker-compose up

and do not forget to run docker-compose down afterwards.

This starts a webserver locally on port 8000. Any changes to the files in templates/ are immediately applied to the files in html/.


A local test server can simply be started using python:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

To compile the sass code natively you need to install node, npm and run npm install. Then you can compile the scss file to its css target by running:

npm run css-deploy

You can also start a watch script that continuously applies changes to the sass file by running:

npm start

To generate the html files in html/ from the templates run:


You can use the command

watch make

to run this command periodically and keep your html/ directory updated.

Upload to live website

The shell script ./ can be used to view the difference between the live website and your current html directory.

To update the live website run ./ The script will ask you to confirm the changes.