A microservice application with User authentication, sms service, contact service, location service, National Id and Passport service and some other service are under processing like payment service etc. All of the services are separate application which can be operated in a single page Angular UI. All the services can be reused to any other application.
- AbhijeetmishrGamezop | prev LoanFrame
- abiola9525@Platform-Lead
- amkhininiTunisia
- andsantos
- atulkgupta9
- barkinBoz13
- chandanws
- dezkyantoEarth
- Elamurugan-NallathambiCognizant Technology Solutions
- globetrotdevSoftware Engineer
- grizzly-monkey@SkySQL
- hoaugbuixLHU University
- iMayuB
- KarimShn
- ketan1518
- KingSatur
- kkhujamovExadel
- maxximusjAviva
- mmahmoodictbdAmsterdam, Netherlands
- namsi-liakenya
- nazrin-aghayevaPrague, Czech Republic
- ndungujan23
- NumulixFaculty of Computing, Union University
- Rebaiahmedentimo AG
- rhidoyhasanmahmud@moneylion
- robertoporfiroIEUIntellectEU
- roconmachine
- sachinmukherjeeBhubaneshwar
- saulosouto
- srivastavabQuest Software Inc.
- syedabdullahrahmanDhaka, Bangladesh
- Tchoks@Tchokonthe
- waleed47