This repository contains materials and assignments for the ENGG680 course in the Fall 2024 semester.
The following Python notebooks provide examples of programming concepts covered in the course:
- Hello World: The classic "Hello World" program, illustrating the basic structure of a Python script and how to print output to the console.
- String Demo: Explores string manipulation in Python, covering key concepts such as immutability, indexing, slicing, concatenation, and other string methods.
- List Demo: Covers fundamental operations on Python lists, including creation, indexing, slicing, and modification. It also demonstrates list methods and explores list concatenation and various techniques for traversing lists using loops.
- Dictionary Demo: Introduces Python dictionaries, focusing on key-value pair operations such as creation, access, modification, and deletion. It demonstrates looping through keys and values, as well as advanced techniques like dictionary comprehensions and working with nested dictionaries.
- Tuple Demo: Explores Python tuples, highlighting their immutability, various methods of creation, and usage in different contexts. It covers basic operations like accessing elements, slicing, unpacking, and the limitations of modifying tuple elements.
- Set Demo: Introduces Python sets and their operations, including creation, addition, and removal of elements. It also covers set-specific operations like union, intersection, difference, symmetric difference, and the use of immutable sets.
- Class Demo: Demonstrates the creation and use of classes in Python, including defining class attributes, instance attributes, and methods. It covers inheritance, method overriding, class methods, static methods, and provides examples of different classes.
- Pandas Demo: Introduces fundamental operations with the Pandas library in Python. It covers the creation and manipulation of Series and DataFrame objects, including indexing, slicing, and basic statistics. It also demonstrates data visualization with matplotlib and how to read/write CSV files.
- Numpy Demo: Introduces fundamental operations with the Numpy library in Python. It covers the creation and manipulation of arrays, including operations such as reshaping, broadcasting, and mathematical functions.
- Matplotlib Demo: Covers essential plotting techniques using the Matplotlib library, including 2D and 3D plots, heatmaps, histograms, and interactive elements.