
Storage engine for minimimal databases.

Primary LanguageC


Storage engine for minimimal databases.

Licence: Public domain


We often found ourselves needing a datastore that has tunable durability, great write performance, great range scan performance and with great interface to our existing codebase.

Our usecase is timeseries events, which means insertion is constantly almost worst case for tree-based indexes. The closest solution we found was Cassandra, but it features a client heavy protocol to implement in librcd and it's runtime stability does not seem to be all that.

Tunable Durability

We use the "acid memory" implementation in librcd to get an interface that looks like mmap:ed files that have performant and known durability by two-phase commiting pages.

Memory allocator

This project features a minimal memory allocator that looks somewhat like dlalloc. However it only allocates blocks of form PAGE_SIZE *2^n, free requires knowledge of the allocation size because there is no allocation headers.

The almost B-skip-list

While SST:s is almost impossible to beat for range scan performance implementing them with performant insertion is very hard. Cassandras mem-tables and performance quirks are clear proof of that. Trees are horrible for ordered insert. So we took inspiration from "The B-Skip-List: A Simpler Uniquely Represented Alternative to B-Trees" by Daniel Golovin.


Our skip list has a predetermined height, all levels of lists except the lowest one are "index lists". "Higher" levels contain less keys than lower ones. The bottom layer is the data layer, this layer is the only one that has every key inserted. It also contains the value associated with the key.


A partition is a continuous block of memory. Partitions form doubly linked lists for all levels. The partitions are only a supportive structure to the nodes to make disk access efficient.


In an ordinary skip-list the nodes would more or less be the data structure. However because of the partitions form the dynamically linked structure our nodes don't have to point to each other. They are simply packed as tightly as possible in the available ranges in our partitions.

In the index layer they look like this:

| uint64_t key_length | uint8_t[] key | partition* down |

And in the data layer: | uint64_t key_length | uint8_t[] key || uint64_t value_length | uint8_t[] value|


When inserting a node into the skip-list first we must roll a level, we do this exactly like D.Golovin suggests. At the insertion level we start searching for the correct partition to place our node. This is done by iterating over the partitions until the next pointer is zero or the key of the first node in the next partition is larger than the key of the node being inserted. This partition is referred to as the representative partition for this node. In the representative partition we first check if it has space for our new node, if it does we move all nodes with a larger key than the insert node up to make space for the new node, then we insert the node. If it does not have space we instead make space by creating a new partition of sufficient size and move all the nodes with a larger key there, leaving space at the bottom for the new node. If this was an index level the node contains a down pointer, to know what this pointer will be we have to recursively insert at the layer below until the data level is reached.

All levels below the insertion level must be split on insertion so that the key of the insertion node is the first node in its partition, this is same behavior as when a partition runs out of space.

If a partition is "split" because the node was bigger than the partition there would be an empty partition in front of the new large one which serves no purpose so they are de-allocated.


We define lookup as finding the representative partition for the node with the desired key, this means that it will always succeed as long as the skip-list has at least one partition.

Lookup works like in a B-skip-list.