
A Library for generating row based test data

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT

Scala Gen


Docs can be found at: https://hntd187.github.io/scalagen/docs/0.0.2/

Scala gen is a simple library based around being able to generate row based test data and easily compose a description of that data set. It also currently includes the ability to write this data to both Csv and Parquet files.

Add the dependency to your project

"com.scalagen" %% "scalagen" % "0.0.2" % Test

You then can compose a simple data set like so

import com.scalagen.data._
val data = IncrementingSource() | YesNoSource()

Available Sources

  • GaussianSource (Numbers drawn from a normal distribution)
  • BernoulliSource (Booleans drawn from a Bernoulli Trial)
  • GenderSource (M or F based on a Bernoulli Trial)
  • YesNoSource (Y or N based on a Bernoulli Trial)
  • DateSource (Incrementing Dates)
  • IncrementingSource (Incrementing integers, like a primary key)
  • RandomSource (Random values drawn from a provided set of values)

Available Writers

  • Simple CSV
  • Simple Parquet

Example of a Writer

import com.scalagen.data._
val data = Csv {
  IncrementingSource() | YesNoSource() | GaussianSource()
data.write("data.csv", 10)

Produces the following

│               Id               │            Response            │             Score              │
│               1                │               No               │              4.7               │
│               2                │              Yes               │              0.85              │
│               3                │               No               │             -0.55              │
│               4                │              Yes               │              0.37              │
│               5                │              Yes               │              1.0               │
│               6                │               No               │              2.3               │
│               7                │               No               │              4.0               │
│               8                │              Yes               │              1.4               │
│               9                │              Yes               │              1.1               │
│               10               │              Yes               │              0.92              │

You can also alter the format of Doubles and Dates by providing implicit values for those...

import com.scalagen.data._
implicit val mc = MathContext.DECIMAL32
implicit val df = DateTimeFormatter.BASIC_ISO_DATE
val data = Csv {
  IncrementingSource() | DateSource(LocalDate.now()) | GaussianSource()
}.withHeaders("Id", "Date", "Score")

Which produces...

│               Id               │              Date              │             Score              │
│               1                │            20161012            │            2.102348            │
│               2                │            20161019            │            1.360111            │
│               3                │            20161026            │            2.734621            │
│               4                │            20161102            │            1.824946            │
│               5                │            20161109            │           0.9169786            │
│               6                │            20161116            │            2.418038            │
│               7                │            20161123            │            2.647185            │
│               8                │            20161130            │            2.361134            │
│               9                │            20161207            │            2.786133            │
│               10               │            20161214            │            3.19905             │


Scala Gen


Scala gen is a simple library based around being able to generate row based test data and easily compose a description of that data set. It also currently includes the ability to write this data to both Csv and Parquet files.

Add the dependency to your project

"com.scalagen" %% "scalagen" % "0.0.2" % Test

You then can compose a simple data set like so

import com.scalagen.data._
val data = IncrementingSource() | YesNoSource()

Available Sources

  • GaussianSource (Numbers drawn from a normal distribution)
  • BernoulliSource (Booleans drawn from a Bernoulli Trial)
  • GenderSource (M or F based on a Bernoulli Trial)
  • YesNoSource (Y or N based on a Bernoulli Trial)
  • DateSource (Incrementing Dates)
  • IncrementingSource (Incrementing integers, like a primary key)
  • RandomSource (Random values drawn from a provided set of values)

Available Writers

  • Simple CSV
  • Simple Parquet

Example of a Writer

import com.scalagen.data._
val data = Csv {
  IncrementingSource() | YesNoSource() | GaussianSource()
data.write("data.csv", 10)

Produces the following

│               Id               │            Response            │             Score              │
│               1                │               No               │              4.7               │
│               2                │              Yes               │              0.85              │
│               3                │               No               │             -0.55              │
│               4                │              Yes               │              0.37              │
│               5                │              Yes               │              1.0               │
│               6                │               No               │              2.3               │
│               7                │               No               │              4.0               │
│               8                │              Yes               │              1.4               │
│               9                │              Yes               │              1.1               │
│               10               │              Yes               │              0.92              │

You can also alter the format of Doubles and Dates by providing implicit values for those...

import com.scalagen.data._
implicit val mc = MathContext.DECIMAL32
implicit val df = DateTimeFormatter.BASIC_ISO_DATE
val data = Csv {
  IncrementingSource() | DateSource(LocalDate.now()) | GaussianSource()
}.withHeaders("Id", "Date", "Score")

Which produces...

│               Id               │              Date              │             Score              │
│               1                │            20161012            │            2.102348            │
│               2                │            20161019            │            1.360111            │
│               3                │            20161026            │            2.734621            │
│               4                │            20161102            │            1.824946            │
│               5                │            20161109            │           0.9169786            │
│               6                │            20161116            │            2.418038            │
│               7                │            20161123            │            2.647185            │
│               8                │            20161130            │            2.361134            │
│               9                │            20161207            │            2.786133            │
│               10               │            20161214            │            3.19905             │