
A TripDay project to help myself learning the app development processes

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

TripDay Project

This is the project to help myself learning the app development processes

Frontend setup



Create the following files .env.development .env.production under TripDayFrontend folder and include your VITE_MAPBOX_API_KEY=YOURKEY (https://docs.mapbox.com/help/glossary/access-token/) VITE_FOURSQUARE_API_KEY=YOURKEY (https://docs.foursquare.com/developer/docs/manage-api-keys)

Private key and certificate for HTTPS development


Install node modules and run this project

cd TripDayFrontend
npm i

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm run dev
Runs the app in the development mode with Vite

npm run preview
Runs the app in the preview production mode with Vite

npm run docker
Runs with docker, see Dockerfile and compose.yml in the folder

npm run test npm run test:coverage
npm run test:watch
Runs Jest testing suite with options 1 time, coverage report, watch mode

npm run lint:watch
Runs eslint

npm run build
Builds the app for production to the dist folder.
Bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.

React Stuff

TripDay Frontend project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

See deployment for more.

Learn More

You can learn more in the Create React App documentation. To learn React, check out the React documentation.

Code Splitting

This section has moved here: https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/code-splitting

Analyzing the Bundle Size

This section has moved here: https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/analyzing-the-bundle-size

Making a Progressive Web App

This section has moved here: https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/making-a-progressive-web-app

Advanced Configuration

This section has moved here: https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/advanced-configuration