A toy OS
>> cd os
>> make run
Then you can see the initial output of the OS.
__ ___ _______ ______ _______..______ __
| |/ / | ____| / | / || _ \ | |
| ' / | |__ | ,----' | (----`| |_) | | |
| < | __| | | \ \ | _ < | |
| . \ | | | `----..----) | | |_) | | |
|__|\__\ |__| \______||_______/ |______/ |__|
[KFC-OS] Entering into kernel_main function!
[KFC-OS] heap test start!
[KFC-OS] heap test passed!
[KFC-OS] -----------------------kernel space-----------------------
[KFC-OS] .text [0x80000000, 0x8000E000)
[KFC-OS] .rodata [0x8000E000, 0x80013000)
[KFC-OS] .data [0x80013000, 0x8183E000)
[KFC-OS] .bss [0x8184E000, 0x81B4F000)
[KFC-OS] frame pool [0x81B4F000, 0x84000000)
[KFC-OS] trampoline [0x80001000, 0x80002000)
[KFC-OS] -----------------------kernel space-----------------------
[KFC-OS] remap_test start!
[KFC-OS] remap_test passed!
[KFC-OS] ====================The Supported Apps====================
[KFC-OS] exit
[KFC-OS] fantastic_text
[KFC-OS] forkexec
[KFC-OS] forktest
[KFC-OS] forktest2
[KFC-OS] forktest_simple
[KFC-OS] forktree
[KFC-OS] hello
[KFC-OS] initproc
[KFC-OS] load_fault
[KFC-OS] matrix
[KFC-OS] power_3
[KFC-OS] power_5
[KFC-OS] power_7
[KFC-OS] read_test
[KFC-OS] shell
[KFC-OS] sleep
[KFC-OS] sleep_simple
[KFC-OS] stack_overflow
[KFC-OS] store_fault
[KFC-OS] usertests
[KFC-OS] usertests-simple
[KFC-OS] yield
[KFC-OS] ==========================================================
The support apps are listed in the initial output. You can run them by typing the app name in the shell.
zck@zck-A7S:~$ hello
[DEBUG] waiting for pid...
Hello world from user mode!
[KFC-OS] In process "hello", pid = 3, exit with code 0
The shell can be termiated by Ctrl + C
zck@zck-A7S:~$ ^C
[KFC-OS] In process "shell", pid = 2, exit with code 0
init process : no child process left, exiting...
[KFC-OS] In process "initproc", pid = 1, exit with code 0
[KFC-OS] No process to schedule...
[KFC-OS] Shutdown...
[KFC-OS] Normal shutdown...