
Implementation of EMNLP 2023 Findings: Improving Question Generation with Multi-level Content Planning

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Improving Question Generation with Multi-level Content Planning

license Pytorch

Code and data of EMNLP'2023 Findings: Improving Question Generation with Multi-level Content Planning.

Previous studies have suggested that key phrase selection is essential for question generation (QG), yet it is still challenging to connect such disjointed phrases into meaningful questions, particularly for long context. To mitigate this issue, we propose MultiFactor, a novel QG framework based on multi-level content planning. Specifically, MultiFactor includes two components: FA-Model, which simultaneously selects key phrases and generates full answers, and Q-Model which takes the generated full answer as an additional input to generate questions. Here, full answer generation is introduced to connect the short answer with the selected key phrases, thus forming an answer-aware summary to facilitate QG. Both FA-Model and Q-Model are formalized as simple-yet-effective Phrase-Enhanced Transformers, our joint model for phrase selection and text generation.

🌈 1. Model Architecture


🔬 2. Dependencies

Install necessary packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Before you run our code, please read these implementation and evaluation details.

  1. We implement our modeling ${ProjHome}/src/MultiFactor/modeling_bridget5.py by inheriting from modeling_t5.py in Transformers 4.20.1.

    • If raise any errors when using Huggingface Generator of higher version with our modeling file, please inhert the error functions of generation/utils.py in ${ProjHome}/src/MultiFactor/modeling_bridget5.py. We also provide a demo in modeling_bridget5.py.
  2. We recommend the transformers version is lower than 4.30 although the T5-family tokenizers' issue.

  3. We evulated the BLEU socre using NLTK in ${ProjHome}/src/MultiFactor/multi_factor_trainer.py instead of sacreBLEU for two reasons:

    1. In practice, the difference between the results of sacreBLEU and NLTK are around $0.1$.
    2. Following the previous works.
  4. METEOR score will fluctuate wildly if using different packages. Please read nltk/issues for details. Here, we use the meteor api in pycocoevalcap.

  5. Different version of BERTScore will also influence the final score hugly, our version is 0.3.10.

  6. We provide a evaluate script demo in ${ProjHome}/evaluate.py

💻 3. Data Preparation

🔧 3.1 Preprocess Dataset

Because it is a cumbersome step, we provide a demo.json based on CQG dev.json [1] directly, which has included the pseudo-gold full answer constucted mentioned in our paper.

Our implementation reads json files instead of jsonl. And the schema is:

   "context": "the given input context",
   "answer": "the given answer",
   "question": "the corresponding question",
   "p_phrase": "the postive phrases in the given context",
   "n_phrase": "the negative phrases",
   "full answer": "pseudo-gold full answer (q + a -> a declarative sentence) ",

We provide four datasets huggingface dataset link mentioned in our paper:

dataset name dataset link
HotpotQA-Supporting Facts multifactor_hotpotqa_suppfacts
HotpotQA-Full Document coming soon
SQuAD 1.1 - Zhou split multifactor_squad1.1_zhou
SQuAD 1.1 - Du split coming soon

When using your custom dataset, please make sure that p/n_phrase are in your context.

🔨3.2 Prepare dataset.pt File

We read raw dataset json file ${ProjHome}\dataset\${dataset_name}\${split}.json, and generate corresponding .pt in ${ProjHome}\dataset\${dataset_name}\${data_foramt}\${split}.pt. If the dataset input contains the full answers from outside (like inference, not the GOLD-FULL-ANSWER!!), the full answer json file path is ${ProjHome}\dataset\${dataset_name}\${data_foramt}\${split}.json.

python ${ProjHome}/src/MultiFactor/multi_factor_dataset.py \ 
    -d ${dataset_name} \ 
    -j ${data_format} \
    -l ${max_length}

📕 4. Training & Test

  1. Initialize default config in ${ProjHome}/src/config.ini. You can edit:
    1. Base model path (Please init the "T5" or "MixQG" model path here)
    2. Output path
    3. batch size
    4. and all parameters shown in {ProjHome}/src/MultiFactor/arguments.py and {ProjHome}/src/run.py.
  2. running the command:
python \
  ${ProjHome}/src/run.py \
   -c ${ProjHome}/src/config.ini \
   -j ${dataset_name} \
   -f ${data_foramt} \
    --seed ${seed} \
    --model_type ${model_type} \
    --cls_loss_weight 1.0 \
    --learning_rate 1e-4 \
    --num_train_epochs 10 \
    --num_beams 1 \
    --hard_flag 2 \
    --save_model_pt True

📚 5. Document

📖 5.1 Model Config:

Source code: ${ProjHome}/src/MultiFactor/multi_factor_config.py

  • model_type (str, defaults to "Baseline"): "baseline, "nodel_cls, "MultiFactor".
  • cls_loss_weight (float, defaults to 1.0): The weight of the phrase classification auxiliary task during training.
  • if_cross_enhanced_k (bool, defaults to False): Indicates whether the phrase-selection probability project layer is used in the cross-attention module.
  • hard_flag (int, 0~3, default to 2): Determines whether the input to $W^{\delta}$ is soft or hard. It is represented as a binary number, where "1" means "hard". The first digit represents training, and the second digit represents inference. The possible values are:
    • 0 ("00"): Link the phrase classifier output and $W^{\delta}$, in which case the gradient will be broadcasted from $W^{\delta}$ to the phrase classifier.
    • 2 ("10"): Use hard labels during training and soft probabilities during inference, proposed as MultiFactor.
    • 3 ("11"): hard training and hard inference, or the One-hot PET-Q model.
  • We still provide some parameters for other explorations like:
    • full_answer_decoder (bool, defaults to False): Enables multi-task generation.
    • model_freeze (bool, defaults to False): Enables training the model with a freeze policy (requires modifying the Trainer in ${ProjHome}/src/MultiFactor/multi_factor_trainer.py).

📑 5.2 Data Format:

Source code: ${ProjHome}/src/MultiFactor/multi_factor_dataset.py

  • data_name (str, choices in "cqg", "pcqg" and "squad_1.1_zhou"): dataset name, here we conduct experiments on "cqg" (HotpotQA-Supporting Facts setting [1, 2]), "pcqg" (passage-level cqg, HotpotQA-Full Docs setting [3]), and "squad_1.1_zhou" (SQuQA1.1-Zhou_splits [4, 5]).
  • max_length (int, default to 256): input sequence max length, we set default value $256$. In sentence-level QG task: pcqg (passage-level cqg), we set it as $512$.
  • data_format (str): control the input and output format. Details are in the table below
Name Input Infer fa
multi_factor f"{ANS_SEP} {answer} {FULL_ANS_SEP} {fa} {CONTEXT_SEP} {context}" Yes
top1_q_model f"{ANS_SEP} {answer} {FULL_ANS_SEP} {fa} {CONTEXT_SEP} {context}" Yes
multi_factor_mixqg f"{answer} //n {FULL_ANS_SEP} {fa} {CONTEXT_SEP} {context}" Yes
top1_q_model_mixqg f"{answer} //n {FULL_ANS_SEP} {fa} {CONTEXT_SEP} {context}" Yes
mix_full_answer f"{ANS_SEP} {answer} {FULL_ANS_SEP} {fa_string} {CONTEXT_SEP} {context}" Yes
*fa_model f"{ANS_SEP} {answer} {CONTEXT_SEP} {context}" No
q_model_upper f"{ANS_SEP} {answer} {FULL_ANS_SEP} {fa} {CONTEXT_SEP} {context}" No
pet f"{ANS_SEP} {answer} {CONTEXT_SEP} {context}" No
pet_mixqg f"{answer} //n {CONTEXT_SEP} {context}" No
full2question_converter f"{ANS_SEP} {_answer} {FULL_ANS_SEP} {fa}" No


  • fa is the abbreviation of "full answer".
  • fa_string means concates all the candidates full answer.
  • * indicates that fa_model's output is gold full answer.
  • Infer fa: if yes, there must be a extra (inference full answer) json files (${ProjHome}\dataset\${dataset_name}\${data_foramt}\${split}.json).

🔍 5.3 Demostration

Here we show the demo to conduct experiments on HotpotQA-Supporting Facts.

  1. Put the raw dataset (contains the pseudo-gold full answer) in ${ProjHome}\dataset\cqg
  2. Train the FA_Model:
python ${ProjHome}/src/MultiFactor/multi_factor_dataset.py \ 
    -d cqg \ 
    -j fa_model \
    -l 256
  1. Conduct FA_Model inference on train, dev and test splits. And put them as ${ProjHome}\dataset\cqg\multi_factor\${split}.json

  2. Prepare MultiFactor and ablation study dataset.pt.

python ${ProjHome}/src/MultiFactor/multi_factor_dataset.py \ 
    -d cqg \ 
    -j multi_factor \
    -l 256
python ${ProjHome}/src/MultiFactor/multi_factor_dataset.py \ 
    -d cqg \ 
    -j pet \
    -l 256
  1. Train MultiFactor.
python \
  ${ProjHome}/src/run.py \
  -c ${ProjHome}/src/config.ini \
  -j ${dataset_name} \
  	-f ${data_foramt} \
    --seed ${seed} \
    --model_type ${model_type} \
    --cls_loss_weight 1.0 \
    --learning_rate 1e-4 \
    --num_train_epochs 10 \
    --num_beams 1 \
    --hard_flag 2 \
    --save_model_pt True
  1. Run other experiments, we list these key arguments as follows:
# baseline

# Cls+Gen, only add a phrase classification auxiliary task


# One-hot PET

# change base model like mixqg-base, add another command line
--train_model_name_or_path Salesforce/mixqg-base

🤝 Cite:

Please consider citing this paper if you use the code from our work. Thanks a lot :)

  author       = {Zehua Xia and
                  Qi Gou and
                  Bowen Yu and
                  Haiyang Yu and
                  Fei Huang and
                  Yongbin Li and
                  Cam{-}Tu Nguyen},
  title        = {Improving Question Generation with Multi-level Content Planning},
  journal      = {CoRR},
  volume       = {abs/2310.13512},
  year         = {2023},
  url          = {https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2310.13512},
  doi          = {10.48550/ARXIV.2310.13512}

✏️ Reference

[1] Yang, Zhilin, et al. HotpotQA: A Dataset for Diverse, Explainable Multi-hop Question Answering. EMNLP, 2018.

[2] Fei, Zichu, et al. CQG: A Simple and Effective Controlled Generation Framework for Multi-Hop Question Generation. ACL, 2022.

[3] Su, Dan, et al. QA4QG: Using Question Answering to Constrain Multi-Hop Question Generation. ICASSP, 2023.

[4] Rajpurkar, Pranav, et al. SQuAD: 100,000+ Questions for Machine Comprehension of Text. EMNLP, 2016.

[5] Zhou, Qingyu, et al. Neural Question Generation from Text: A Preliminary Study. EMNLP, 2017.