​ Your First React App
​ Hello World
​ Components
​ Setting Up the Project
​ Your First React Component
​ Specifying Children
​ Embedding Expressions
​ Setting Attributes
​ Rendering Classes Dynamically
​ Rendering Lists
​ Conditional Rendering
​ Handling Events
​ Binding Event Handlers
​ Updating the State
​ What Happens When State Changes
​ Passing Event Arguments :
- jsx
- Rendering lists
- conditional rendering
- Passing Data to Components
- Handleding events
- Management State
​ Composing Components
​ Passing Data to Components
​ Passing Children
​ Debugging React Apps
​ Props vs State
​ Raising and Handling Events
​ Updating the State
​ Single Source of Truth
​ Removing the Local State
​ Multiple Components in Sync
​ Lifting the State Up
​ Stateless Functional Components
​ Destructuring Arguments
​ Lifecycle Hooks
​ Mounting Phase
​ Updating Phase
​ Unmounting Phase
- props
- props vs state
- Raising and handling events
- Lifting the State
- Multiple Components in Sync
- Functional components
- Lifecycle Hooks