Slack invite api
demo :
Send a request to slack api (as admin). The api will be return json like this:
"ok": false,
"error": "already_invited"
This method has the URL
and follows the Slack Web API calling conventions.
Argument | Example | Required | Description |
token | xxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxx | Required | Authentication token (Requires scope: 'client' ) | | Required | Email address of the new user | |
channels | C1234567890,G12345678 | Optional | Comma-separated list of IDs (not names!) for channels, which the new user will auto-join. Both channel IDs for public channels and group IDs for private chanels work. |
first_name | John | Optional | Prefilled input for the "First name" field on the "new user registration" page. |
last_name | Doe | Optional | Prefilled input for the "Last name" field on the "new user registration" page. |
resend | true | Optional | Resend the invitation email if the user has already been invited and the email was sent some time ago. |
restricted | true | Optional | Invite a guest that can use multiple channels |
ultra_restricted | true | Optional | Invite a guest that can use one channel only |
* looking at Json return , we have
"ok": true
"error": "already_invited"
* explain
: this will be return true or false when ok, slack will send an email, if false, read line bellowerror
: if ok == false, error will be return error code
Errors & Warnings
Error | Description |
already_invited |
User has already received an email invitation |
already_in_team |
User is already part of the team |
channel_not_found |
Provided channel ID does not match a real channel |
sent_recently |
When using resend=true, the email has been sent recently already |
user_disabled |
User account has been deactivated |
missing_scope |
Using an access_token not authorized for 'client' scope |
invalid_email |
Invalid email address (e.g. "qwe"). Note that Slack does not recognize some email addresses even though they are technically valid. This is a known issue. |
not_allowed |
When SSO is enabeld this method can not be used to invite new users except guests. The SCIM API needs to be used instead to invite new users. For inviting guests the restricted or ultra_restricted property needs to be provided |
tbd |