
Python script to create timelines using TOAST

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Create timelines using TOAST

This is a small Python program that allows to create timelines using TOAST and save them in a set of FITS files. It uses MPI to efficiently distribute the workload among a set of processors.

The program requires a configuration of the instrument and of its scanning strategy as an input, and a sky map in Healpix format. It produces a set of FITS files, each containing a binary table HDU with as many rows as the number of samples. The table has the following columns:

  1. TIME, the time;
  2. THETA, the colatitude;
  3. PHI, the longitude;
  4. PSI, the polarization angle;
  5. FGTOD, the component of the signal due to foregrounds (the sky map provided as input);
  6. DIPTOD, the component of the signal due to the CMB dipole;
  7. NOISETOD, the component of the signal due to instrument noise;
  8. TOTALTOD, the overall signal (this is uncalibrated);
  9. FLAGS, the flags specific for this detector;
  10. GLFLAGS, the global flags.

It is possible to create files for many detectors at the same time.



To run this script, you must have the following Python modules available:


Download the source in a directory and run

python setup.py build_ext --inplace

to build the Fortran extension.


Run the program from the command line using the following syntax:

python create_timelines.py PARAMETER_FILE OUTPUT_PATH

where PARAMETER_FILE is a INI file containing the parameters of the simulation, and OUTPUT_PATH is the path to a directory where the FITS file will be saved.

If you want to distribute the workload using MPI, you can use your MPI driver (mpirun or whatever) as usual. In this case, the number of files saved by the program is equal to the number of MPI processes used.

Syntax of the parameter file

The parameter file follows the traditional syntax of INI files (see https://docs.python.org/3/library/configparser.html).

Here is an example of a configuration file:

NET = 5.23e-05
alpha = 1.0
fknee_Hz = 0.02
quat = 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
gain_V_over_K = 35.0
polarisation_angle_deg = 0

NET = 5.23e-05
alpha = 1.0
fknee_Hz = 0.02
quat = 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
gain_V_over_K = 35.0
polarisation_angle_deg = 90

name_list = det1, det2

sample_rate_Hz = 84.97
spin_period_min = 2.0
spin_angle_deg = 65.0
prec_period_min = 5760.0
prec_angle_deg = 30.0
hwp_rpm = 0.0
hours_per_observation = 24.0
gap_width_hours = 0.0
chunks_per_observation = 4
num_of_observations = 1

sky_map = ./foreground_maps/70GHz_ecliptic.fits

The meaning of each parameter should be obvious. Keep in mind the following caveats:

  1. It is possible to specify more than one detector; each of them must have its own section (in the example above, there are two detectors: det1 and det2);
  2. Only the detectors listed under the detectors section (see name_list above) will be actually used by the program;
  3. The parameter gain_V_over_K is used to calibrate TOTALTOD from the sum of the columns FGTOD, DIPTOD, and NOISETOD. It is a float (one number) that is applied uniformly to all the samples in the TOD.
  4. Where applicable, each parameter in tile file has the expected measure unit appended to the name, e.g., prec_period_min (the precession period) must be specified in minutes.
  5. The parameter file used as input is saved in each FITS produced by the program, as a n×1 matrix of bytes.

To read the parameter file out of the primary HDU of a FITS file, you can use something like this:

from astropy.io import fits

with fits.open('file.fits') as f:
    print(''.join([chr(x) for x in f[0].data]))


The code is released under a MIT license, see the file LICENSE for more information.