Updates to qb-core versions after April 26 will not be supported, any modifications to be compatible with qb-core versions after that time will be made by everyone themselves.

Driver School

🅿 Best driving school for qb-core framework 🅿



Preview - Youtube

Features(All in one):

  • Many classes of driver's license
  • Edited and inspired by esx_dmvschool
  • Support multiple languages
  • You can translate through your language easily through locales\yourlang.lua
  • Easy configuration via config.lua



  • Download the script and put it in the resources directory.
  • Add the following code to your server.cfg/resouces.cfg
ensure drivingschool

Edit the resources according to the following instructions:


  • Edit qb-core\server\player.lua:
PlayerData.metadata['licences'] = PlayerData.metadata['licences'] or {
        ['N'] = false, -- theory
		['A'] = false, -- motorcycle
		['B'] = false, -- car
		['C'] = false, -- trunk
		['D'] = false, -- bus
		--['driver'] = false,
        ['business'] = false,
        ['weapon'] = false
  • Edit qb-core\shared\main.lua:
QBShared.StarterItems = {
    ['phone'] = { amount = 1, item = 'phone' },
    ['id_card'] = { amount = 1, item = 'id_card' },
    --['driver_license'] = { amount = 1, item = 'driver_license' },


  • Edit qb-cityhall\client\main.lua:
local idTypes = {
    ["id_card"] = {
        label = "ID Card",
        item = "id_card"
    ["a_driver_license"] = {
        label = "Class A Drivers License",
        item = "driver_license",
		type = 'A'
	["b_driver_license"] = {
        label = "Class B Drivers License",
        item = "driver_license",
		type = 'B'
	["c_driver_license"] = {
        label = "Class C Drivers License",
        item = "driver_license",
		type = 'C'
	["d_driver_license"] = {
        label = "Class D Drivers License",
        item = "driver_license",
		type = 'D'
    ["weaponlicense"] = {
        label = "Firearms License",
        item = "weaponlicense",
		type = 'A'
RegisterNUICallback('requestLicenses', function(data, cb)
    local PlayerData = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerData()
    local licensesMeta = PlayerData.metadata["licences"]
    local availableLicenses = {}

    for type,_ in pairs(licensesMeta) do
        if licensesMeta[type] and type ~= "N" and type ~= "driver" then
            local licenseType = nil
            local label = nil

            if type == "A" then
                licenseType = "a_driver_license"
                label = "Class A Drivers Licence"
			elseif type == "B" then
                licenseType = "b_driver_license"
                label = "Class B Drivers Licence"
			elseif type == "C" then
                licenseType = "c_driver_license"
                label = "Class C Drivers Licence"
			elseif type == "D" then
                licenseType = "d_driver_license"
                label = "Class D Drivers Licence"
            elseif type == "weapon" then
                licenseType = "weaponlicense"
                label = "Firearms License"

            availableLicenses[#availableLicenses+1] = {
                idType = licenseType,
                label = label
  • Edit Edit qb-cityhall\html\app.js:
$(document).on("click", ".identity-page-block", function(e){

    var idType = $(this).data('type');

    selectedIdentityType = idType;

    if (selectedIdentity == null) {
        selectedIdentity = this;
        if (idType == "id_card") {
            $(".request-identity-button").html("<p>Buy $50</p>")
        } else if (idType == "a_driver_license") {
            $(".request-identity-button").html("<p>Buy $50</p>")
		} else if (idType == "b_driver_license") {
            $(".request-identity-button").html("<p>Buy $50</p>")
		} else if (idType == "c_driver_license") {
            $(".request-identity-button").html("<p>Buy $50</p>")
		} else if (idType == "d_driver_license") {
            $(".request-identity-button").html("<p>Buy $50</p>")
        } else if (idType == "weaponlicense") {
            $(".request-identity-button").html("<p>Buy $50</p>")
    } else if (selectedIdentity == this) {
        selectedIdentity = null;
    } else {
        selectedIdentity = this;
        if (idType == "id_card") {
        } else if (idType == "a_driver_license") {
		} else if (idType == "b_driver_license") {
		} else if (idType == "c_driver_license") {
		} else if (idType == "d_driver_license") {
        } else if (idType == "weaponlicense") {


  • Add to qb-hud\client.lua:
local function checkseatbelt()
	return seatbeltOn

exports('checkseatbelt', checkseatbelt)

My other scripts:
