
Universal packaging for Mill

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Universal packaging for Java application, ported from sbt-native-packager.

Currently, mill-universal-packager only supports universal stage with Bash start script and the corresponding zip archive.


// build.sc
import $ivy.`io.github.hoangmaihuy::mill-universal-packager::<latest-version>`

import io.github.hoangmaihuy.mill.packager.archetypes.JavaAppPackagingModule

object example extends JavaAppPackagingModule {
	override def packageVersion = "0.1.0"

Run universalStage command

> mill example.universalStage

The output directory can be found at universalStage.dest in Mill's out folder.

Run universalPackage command

> mill example.universalPackage

Zip package will be saved at universalPackage.dest in Mill's out folder.

For other package formats please see the "Tasks" section.


Task Output destination Description
universalStage universalStage.dest For making unarchived universal package. This is usefull for checking the contents before the final packaging and publishing.
universalPackageZip universalPackageZip.dest For making zip compressed universal package without universalStage.
universalPackageTarZstd universalPackageTarZstd.dest For making zstd compressed tarball universal package without universalStage. The zstd compression level can be configured by universalZstdCompressLevel. And the tarball file name extension can be configured by universalTarZstdExt with default value .tar.zstd.
universalPackageTarGzip universalPackageTarGzip.dest For making gzip compressed tarball universal package, without universalStage. The gzip compression level can be configured by universalGzipCompressLevel. And the tarball file name extension can be configured by universalTarGzipExt with default value .tar.gz.
universalPackageTarBzip2 universalPackageTarBzip2.dest For making bzip2 compressed tarball universal package, without universalStage. The tarball file name extension can be configured by universalTarBzip2Ext with default value .tar.bz2.
universalPackageTarXz universalPackageTarXz.dest For making xz compressed tarball universal package, without universalStage. The tarball file name extension can be configured by universalTarXzExt with default value .tar.Xz.
universalPackageStageZip universalPackageStageZip.dest For making zip compressed universal package from the universalStage.
universalPackageStageTarZstd universalPackageStageTarZstd.dest For making zstd compressed tarball universal package from the universalStage. The zstd compression level can be configured by universalZstdCompressLevel. And the tarball file name extension can be configured by universalTarZstdExt with default value .tar.zstd.
universalPackageStageTarGzip universalPackageStageTarGzip.dest For making gzip compressed tarball universal package from the universalStage. The gzip compression level can be configured by universalGzipCompressLevel. And the tarball file name extension can be configured by universalTarGzipExt with default value .tar.gz.
universalPackageStageTarBzip2 universalPackageStageTarBzip2.dest For making bzip2 compressed tarball universal package from the universalStage. The tarball file name extension can be configured by universalTarBzip2Ext with default value .tar.bz2.
universalPackageStageTarXz universalPackageStageTarXz.dest For making xz compressed tarball universal package from the universalStage. The tarball file name extension can be configured by universalTarXzExt with default value .tar.xz.


mill-universal-packager configurations are similar to JavaAppPackaging and Universal plugin keys from sbt-native-packager.

Key Type Default Description
packageVersion String Package version to use in packageName
packageName String artifactName() + "-" + packageVersion() Package file name
maintainer String Maintainer name
executableScriptName String artifactName() Executable script file name
topLevelDirectory Option[String] None Top level directory in archive file
universalSources PathRef millSourcePath / "universal" Files to be included in archive, for example .conf, .ini files,...
universalMappings Seq[(os.Path, os.SubPath)] A list of mappings from original path to archive path
universalZstdCompressLevel Int, 1-22 (inclusive) 9 Compression level for zstd tarball
universalZipCompressLevel Int, 1-9 (inclusive) 9 Compression level for gzip
universalTarZstdExt String .tar.zstd The Zstd compressed tarbal file extension, can be .tar.zstd, .tar.zst or .tzst or any other else as you specified.
universalTarGZExt String .tar.gz The Gzip compressed tarbal file extension, can be .tar.gz or .tgz or any other else as you specified.
universalTarBzip2Ext String .tar.bz2 The Bzip2 compressed tarbal file extension, can be .tar.bz2 or .tbz or any other else as you specified.
universalTarXZExt String .tar.xz The XZ compressed tarbal file extension, can be .tar.xz or .txz or any other else as you specified.

More information

This plugin was ported from ported from sbt-native-packager. Core functions were copied from sbt-native-packager with some modifications to work with Mill.


This software is released under the Apache License 2.0. More information in the file LICENSE distributed with this project.