Pinned issues
- 2
BUG: Cant Costumize width timetable
#345 opened by sushitrash06 - 14
How to improve performance?
#275 opened by TheTushar2696 - 1
BUG: Could not resolve dependency
#343 opened by ErionTp - 0
- 0
Feature request: support reanimated v3?
#338 opened by ddx-510 - 4
Feature request: Fixed lanes?
#334 opened by jagthedrummer - 2
Event in the gutter
#333 opened by rdewolff - 0
#329 opened by rdewolff - 1
- 1
Display of days between two dates
#314 opened by kursatalgul - 2
- 0
BUG: Adding editingEvent to index.d.ts
#310 opened by gabcollet - 0
TODO: update Readme/docs
#278 opened by pdpino - 3
BUG: Issue with block events
#291 opened by TheTushar2696 - 50
- 6
Is there a way where we can avoid shrinking of the events occuring at the same time and ovelap it instead?
#235 opened by TheTushar2696 - 17
- 1
- 2
Feature request: TimeZone support
#284 opened by rdewolff - 1
Feature request: Typescript
#283 opened by malinthann - 7
BUG: Drag on on long press not working
#272 opened by TheTushar2696 - 2
- 2
BUG: UI Drag
#258 opened by ChiBao284 - 1
goToNextDay & goToPreviousDay
#186 opened by bosheski - 0
React Version 18
#271 opened by JessieWang0706 - 19
Issue with the drag sensitivity
#234 opened by TheTushar2696 - 7
Stack event when they can
#233 opened by rdewolff - 2
- 9
- 0
Per event border color
#228 opened by rdewolff - 4
BUG: When an event is moved, it doesn't occupy the full cell in the new time - Event should fill space in the cell.
#256 opened by TheTushar2696 - 5
Deprecated usage of `ViewPropTypes` props
#196 opened by rdewolff - 0
Feature request: Cannot change <Title> width
#251 opened by hankyungs - 5
Wrong date Position
#206 opened by Salmankhan033 - 7
BUG: Horizontal scroll issue
#243 opened by TheTushar2696 - 2
- 3
- 19
- 4
onSwipeNext stuck
#207 opened by Salmankhan033 - 10
The drag is not working as expected when user is accidentally placing it in between the lines
#239 opened by TheTushar2696 - 2
- 2
Does it support show only a day?
#232 opened by magic3584 - 2
Why the date is wrong?
#231 opened by magic3584 - 1
Can we enable vertical and horizontal scroll while we are dragging the event?
#226 opened by TheTushar2696 - 4
- 2
Enable click on month and day header
#221 opened by rdewolff - 2
onSwipeNext or previous then wait
#214 opened by Salmankhan033 - 9
How to re-render component when startHour changes?
#204 opened by Vidxyz - 4
Drag and drop - resize begining or end of the event
#203 opened by rdewolff - 1
Go to date position
#194 opened by Salmankhan033