
Curated list of resources for various topics, articles, tutorials, etc I've found useful.

Resources 🚀

Curated list of resources for various topics, articles, tutorials, etc I've found useful.

Book notes

  • [How to win friends and influence people - Dale Carnegie](Book notes/how-win-friends-influence-people.md) #tools #persdev #book #social
  • [An introduction to decision theory - Martin Peterson](An Introduction to Decision Theory/) #economics #persdev #book Book link
  • [Foundations of statistical natural language processing - Manning, SchĂĽtze](NLP/Foundations of statistical natural language processing) #nlp #book
  • [EinfĂĽhrung in der Computerlinguistik](NLP/EinfĂĽhrung in der Computerlinguistik) #nlp #book Book link

for students

code / tech

job hunting

profesional development (#profdev)


personal development (#persdev)



technical online courses
