
Generating an Awesome Quote With The Author's Name! Plus, you can also share your favorite Quote on Twitter with a click of a button! 😎

Primary LanguageJavaScript

/** Content Delivery Network **/

/** Font Awesome **/

/** Importing Fonts **/
--/* This goes on top of the CSS file */
@import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Montserrat");

/** SVG background patterns **/

/** Media Query **/
+ We want to add media queries at the bottom of the file because we want it to override anything else throughout the code.

/** Other Notes worth taking **/
+ By default, fontawesome icons has the size of 1rem

/** A Complete Guide to Flexbox **/

/** Rest API for getting Quotes **/ => This is broken
--/** Why Forismatic? **/
+ No need to sign up
+ Don't need an API key

/** Generating a random number from between 2 given numbers **/
function random(min, max) {
  return Math.trunc(min + Math.random() * (max - min));

/** How TO - CSS Loader **/

/ ** Making self-owned proxy server **/
--/** Heroku CLI: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-cli **/
--/** What is Heroku? **/
+ Heroku is a platform that allows you to deploy projects on their cloud network, including backend code and databases.
--/** Why using Heroku? **/
+ Heroku is going to allow us to build and deploy a node server to handle our network requests very easily and for free.