

Closed this issue · 13 comments

Unable to add elevation or shadow to bottom tab bar, I don't want to add stroke.

Is there anyway to add shadow to its top side on android.

Hi @Jamal-ReachFirst ,
I’m working on it.

Hi @Jamal-ReachFirst , I’m working on it.

I am using react-native-drop-shadow to apply shadow.

Make some changes in react-native-curved-bottom-bar:

import DropShadow from "react-native-drop-shadow";

      shadowColor: "#DDDDDD",
      shadowOffset: {
        width: 0,
        height: 0,
      shadowOpacity: 1,
      shadowRadius: 5,
      <SVG width={maxWidth} height={height + (type === 'DOWN' ? 0 : 30)}>
          {...{ d }}


Hi @Jamal-ReachFirst , I’m working on it.

I am using react-native-drop-shadow to apply shadow.

Make some changes in react-native-curved-bottom-bar:

import DropShadow from "react-native-drop-shadow";

      shadowColor: "#DDDDDD",
      shadowOffset: {
        width: 0,
        height: 0,
      shadowOpacity: 1,
      shadowRadius: 5,
      <SVG width={maxWidth} height={height + (type === 'DOWN' ? 0 : 30)}>
          {...{ d }}


Thank you very helpful.

hi All, Top shadow do not working on Android. I'm find solutions.

hi All, Top shadow do not working on Android. I'm find solutions.

What is the solution, when are you going to push it to this package?

hi All, Top shadow do not working on Android. I'm find solutions.

can I know what is the solution ?


react-native-drop-shadow use this

did you have example code for reference ?

did you have example code for reference ?

As shown here

import DropShadow from "react-native-drop-shadow";

      shadowColor: "#DDDDDD",
      shadowOffset: {
        width: 0,
        height: 0,
      shadowOpacity: 1,
      shadowRadius: 5,
      // child component

hi All,
This issue is resolved. Please install version 3.1.0 Later re-build app.
add shadow (9fb40da)

hi All, This issue is resolved. Please install version 3.1.0 Later re-build app. add shadow (9fb40da)

@hoaphantn7604 Thanks for your efforts and hard work, the shadow is working now but I am unable to change the shadow properties (no method/prop provided to override the existing shadow style).

I am manually changing the shadow style inside react-native-curved-bottom-bar/src/CurvedBottomBar/Components/BottomBarView/styles.ts

shadow: {
    shadowColor: '#DDDDDD',
    shadowOffset: {
      width: 0,
      height: 0,
    shadowOpacity: 1,
    shadowRadius: 5,

Can you please provide a method/prop to override this style??

hi All, This issue is resolved. Please install version 3.1.0 Later re-build app. add shadow (9fb40da)

@hoaphantn7604 Thanks for your efforts and hard work, the shadow is working now but I am unable to change the shadow properties (no method/prop provided to override the existing shadow style).

I am manually changing the shadow style inside react-native-curved-bottom-bar/src/CurvedBottomBar/Components/BottomBarView/styles.ts

shadow: {
    shadowColor: '#DDDDDD',
    shadowOffset: {
      width: 0,
      height: 0,
    shadowOpacity: 1,
    shadowRadius: 5,

Can you please provide a method/prop to override this style??

This issue is resolved. Install new version. You can use shadowStyle props.

It's not working in Android. It's not showing any shadow