A high performance, beautiful and fully customizable curved bottom navigation bar for React Native.
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Support for expo router v2 with tabs
#75 opened by KanoDekouBillyBrown - 5
[Android] Shadow issue on Expo
#61 opened by alexandermirzoyan - 1
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Work with expo-router
#62 opened by sapjax - 13
#44 opened by Jamal-ReachFirst - 3
Render all tabs at startup/mounting
#59 opened by Jamal-ReachFirst - 8
- 1
strokeColor and strokeWidth issue on V3
#73 opened by MMYurt - 0
Curved Border colour and border width
#74 opened by vandna987 - 1
- 6
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- 7
headerShown is false
#65 opened by rohanthakran - 8
options={{headerShown: false}} in CurvedBottomBar.Screen is not working
#63 opened by NguyenThinh-17001510 - 16
- 1
custom curves
#70 opened by gsantiago - 1
Border Width and Radius issue
#68 opened by hamza4213 - 0
Dynamic changing of icon
#67 opened by BigRaj - 0
i am trying to show component when user click on middle circle <Animated.view
#66 opened by rohanthakran - 3
Not inserting the parameter during nesting
#48 opened by tandler5 - 7
Support screen options
#55 opened by Ahmadhmaid777 - 2
Lagging while clicking the tabs
#57 opened by arun-saleth - 7
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- 0
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Is there a way to customise the centre floating button to be moved to the right end of the view?
#51 opened by kiranNegiloni - 2
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Remove left & right curve
#46 opened by whatoken - 3
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Navigation not sticking to the bottom
#43 opened by dreadlordow - 3
WARN Looks like you're passing an inline function for 'component' prop for the screen 'sync'
#42 opened by muqureshiElm - 2
Change "line" color
#40 opened by Lucasmellof - 4
- 1
children.map is not a function
#38 opened by hochdyl - 1
Not showing TabItem
#30 opened by Patel-Ruchita - 1
Ability to add more than 2 tabs
#31 opened by brianmak3 - 3
Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop. Check the render method of `ForwardRef`. See https://reactjs.org/link/warning-keys for more information. Screen
#32 opened by chhipashubham970 - 2
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Title in demo
#33 opened by LazyAfternoons - 3
Performance Issue
#23 opened by Justin9606 - 1
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Re-Render tab content
#25 opened by YousefAlsbaihi - 6
Can't add more than 3 icons
#28 opened by yugg98 - 0
Cant add more than 3 items
#27 opened by yugg98 - 1