
[Android] Shadow issue on Expo

alexandermirzoyan opened this issue · 4 comments

On latest version getting error at <ShadowView /> component.
Location - /node_modules/react-native-curved-bottom-bar/src/CurvedBottomBar/components/ShadowView/index.tsx

export const CurvedBottomBarView =
  Platform.OS === 'android'
    ? UIManager.getViewManagerConfig(ComponentName) != null
      ? requireNativeComponent<CurvedBottomBarProps>(ComponentName)
      : () => {
          throw new Error(LINKING_ERROR);
    : View;

If I am replacing the error return part with simple View. The error is being resolved but shadows are not working on android.


If you're on expo, you should be using the expo component. CurvedBottomBarExpo

In that case my shadowStyle property does not recognize on Android.
I am checking on Android depend on elevation style property.

kbqdev commented
