- adidoes
- albertedduGermany
- alixaxelPortugal
- astroloxFounder @K42-Software, Engineer @CacheFly
- asyazwanMalaysia
- CircleCodeanakeen
- cnpdevBIX.BG
- coldwinds
- E1101Westwing
- EcureuilvirtuelLife in the cloud
- ghosthamletThe Rest Is Silence of Code
- immutefSCAYLE GmbH
- inloodInLood
- krismasAckwa
- lyrixx@jolicode
- nimotwNCHC
- notomatoSydney, Australia
- osarisSwitzerland
- PieroziLuxembourg
- RamyTalalHardenberg, Netherlands
- rcousensAustralia
- rdeanarMoscow
- realsircodesalotPennsylvania, USA
- rotexdegbaCanada
- rtconnerSmarter Software
- ryan-mahoney@mbta
- scipilotSydney/Australia
- shoomyth
- slashsbin/sBin
- stefaneyr
- stephpyLa fare les oliviers
- thierrymarianneGreater Paris Metropolitan Area
- vearutopAdjust
- vkartaviyUndefined™
- vonglasow
- xeoncrossMoving littlebig/biglittle data globally