
Objective-C 常用分类集合,支持Cocoapods

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT

YJCategories 是Objective-C超级分类集合

CocoaPods CocoaPods GitHub tag license

收集常用、实用的Objective-C Categories扩展, 其中包括 Foundation, UIKit, CoreData, QuartzCore, CoreLocation, MapKit 等.


This library requires `iOS 8.0+`.


Installation with CocoaPods

platform :ios
pod 'YJCategories'


Copy YJCategories folder to your project


####onekey import all categories of framework

onekey import all categories of all frameworks




* NSObject
    1.  YJSuperExt
    2.  YJKeyValueObserving

* NSArray
    1.  YJSuperExt
    2.  YJBlock

* NSMutableArray
    1.  YJSuperExt

* NSDictionary
    1.  YJSuperExt
    2.  YJMerge
    3.  YJXML

* NSString
    1.  YJSuperExt  // 超级集合
    2.  YJContains  // 是否包含
    3.  YJPinYin    // 汉字转各种拼音
    4.  YJSize      // 计算字符串的大小
    5.  YJSpecialCharacter  // 特殊字符 
    6.  YJMIME
    7.  YJVerification      // 字符串验证
    8.  YJXML

* NSNotificationCenter
    1.  YJMainThread

* NSIndexPath
    1.  YJOffset

    1.  YJParameters

* NSBundle
    1.  YJSuperExt

* NSData
    1.  YJGzip
    2.  YJSuperExt

* NSDate
    1.  YJSuperExt
    2.  YJStartEnd

* NSDateFormatter
    1.  YJSuperExt

* NSFileManager
    1.  YJSuperExt

* NSTimer
    1.  YJSuperExt
    2.  YJBlock


* UIWindow
    1.  YJSuperExt

* UIApplication
    1.  YJAppInfo
    2.  YJSuperExt

* UIViewController
    1.  YJSuperExt
    2.  YJBackButtonBlock
    3.  YJFullScreenSupport

* UILabel
    1.  YJSuperExt

* UIButton
    1.  YJSuperExt
    2.  YJImagePosition

* UITableView
    1.  YJSuperExt

* UITableViewCell
    1.  YJNib

* UIView
    1.  Frame
    2.  Find
    3.  LoadNib
    4.  YJScreenshot
    5.  YJConstraints
    6.  YJGestureBlock
    7.  YJRecursion
    8.  YJCustomBorder
    9.  YJShake
    10. YJVisuals
    11. YJDraggable
    12. YJAnimation
    13. YJBadge
    14. 获取 View 中心点X centerX
    15. 获取 View 中心点Y centerY
    16. 移动 View 不改变大小 moveOriginToPoint:
    17. 缩放 View 的宽和高 scaleWidth:height:
    18. 适应缩放 View 填充 fitScaleInSize:

* UINavigationController
    1.  YJSuperExt
* UIControl
    1.  YJSuperExt
    2.  YJBlock

* UIFont
    1.  YJSuperExt

* UINavigationBar
    1.  YJSuperExt

* UIResponder
    1.  YJSuperExt

* UIBezierPath
    1.  YJSuperExt

* UIScrollView
    1.  YJSuperExt
    2.  YJPosition

* UIBarButtonItem
    1.  YJBadge

* UIImge
    1.  YJSuperExt


* CALayer


* NSManagedObjectContext


* CLLocationManager


* MKMapView


YJCategories is available under the MIT license.