
just a small script to automate turns skipping in Disciples 2.
useful in cases to see what happen on a map on 30+ turn.


  1. install python v3.8+ https://www.python.org/downloads/
  2. install the following dependencies using cmd.exe: pip install pyautogui pynput keyboard psutil
  3. clone this repo or just save the AutoTurnSkipper.py file to C:\example


  1. open cmd.exe and run D2TurnSkipper: python C:\example\AutoTurnSkipper.py
  2. run Disciples 2 and increase movement speed and scrolling speed in options, also, disable the following options in settings:
  • Confirm end of turn
  • Scrolling between actions
  • Always show turn summary
  1. start\load your map in single mode or in hotseat mode
  2. press F7 to skip turns automatically
  3. press F8 to pause turns skipping.
    ATTENTION: always wait while D2TurnSkipper complete its actions. it takes about 5 seconds (based on this value) every time when F8 key was pressed.

Known issues

  • it opens a chat in the game
    solution: ignore this, it's a normal behavior because this script emulates mouse clicks and keystrokes.
  • from time to time activated D2TurnSkipper opens settings in the game
    solution: wait for 5 seconds then it should close settings automatically, otherwise, press Esc


Many thanks for an idea and for the source code to @isaychris