Suduko Solver using backtracking method.

Written by Justin Petluk
ID# 001190085
Date: March 22, 2018

make run (Compiles and Executes)
make clean (Deletes executables)

Creates Executable: Suduko

This program uses a pre-defined Suduko puzzle and uses a backtracking algorithm to solve it.
At this time, there are no heuristics used to solve the problem.

The agent takes in a pointer to the puzzle and can do a variety of things such as solve
the puzzle, show the puzzle (display), make changes to the puzzle (play and unplay) along with
figure out what it can play in the cell.

The board builds it's puzzle in the constructor. There is no random generation
and the puzzle is only predefined. The board contains the structure which holds the values
and can set and return values with a given coordinate (x,y).