
A tool written in Scala allowing you to research conditions using Arxiv, ScienceIO, and OpenAI

Primary LanguageScala

Condition research, written in Scala

A UI and API allowing general public to research easily their conditions. Users should be able to enter their condition, and receive back:

  • A plain english summary of what it is, and key ideas as well as confusions
  • Plain english summaries of currently accepted facts and indications about the condition and what the latest research indicates

Tech stack and philosophy

The codebase will be written out in Scala, mostly because I want to learn the language and thought this would be a good way to do so. The design and idea behind this will likely change rapidly over the next few days/weeks.

The system will have the following components:

  • UI
    • Basic search engine, which intakes a condition and passes it to the API
    • Upon response, the website will display a clean, easy to use UI allowing viewer to dig in with more depth
  • Backend
    • API
      • Intakes the plaintext condition name passed by user, uses ScienceIO to extract the UMLS' associated
      • Queries UMLS retriever and returns response
    • UMLS retriever
      • For any given UMLS, finds cached details from db and returns response to the user
    • UMLS processor
      • Intakes UMLS and gathers related papers, various data sources
      • Passes info to both scienceio and openai, and there should also be heuristics to filter erroneous results
      • Caches data to database for easy access
    • Data scraper
      • Listens for new clinical trial results, Arxiv papers, and presswires (for announcements on potential remedies by pharma companies)
      • Upon receiving a new result, passes to the UMLS processer to handle and save

Services Used

Some price trackers would also be useful here.

Useful third parties

  • ScienceIO - to parse UMLS tags and key content from both data sources and user input
  • OpenAI - to summarize content

Data sources

  • Arxiv
  • Business Wire
  • Globe News Wire
  • ClinicalTrial.gov
  • sec.gov (tracking financial health of companies producing treatments for a given condition)

To build out

  • ScienceIO scala client
  • UMLS retriever
  • UMLS processor
  • Data scraper

Ideas for improvement and potential problems

  • Finding the right temp balance in using openai to summarize might be tricky, it might be a good idea to have summaries approved.