
Web Production II course for CUNY Hunter.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Web Production II (MEDP 33100)

Instructor: Brent Bailey

Fall 2021

Thursdays 10:10am - 1:00pm - Hunter North Room 470

Office hours: Tuesday 5:00 - 6:00PM Book here

Homework Submissions: Google Form

Twitch Streams/Recordings: Link

Course Description

Web Production II builds upon the tools employed in Web Production I to begin developing dynamic websites and other net.art works. Advanced coding methods will be introduced in HTML5, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, node.js, MongoDB, and JSON. Students will develop multiple interactive web projects using a range of methods and tools.

Useful Resources

Sections of these are assigned readings, but the full texts may be useful to revisit.

Student GitHubs

Student NameStudent GitHub/PageStudent NameStudent GitHub/Page
Adonis EdwardsGithub
Kelly LaiGitHub
Siddique BakshGithub
Claudia MartinezGitHub
JP PerezGitHub
Yoselin Castelan RamirezGitHub
Justin AlpizarGitHub
Jason WongGitHub
Neil AlcarazGitHub
Derek ChongGitHub
Marianny PantophletGitHub


This schedule is subject to change. Please check your e-mail and this course page regularly for the most up-to-date information.

  • Course overview and syllabus
  • Setting up your home directory
  • Server-side scripting
  • HTML + CSS + JS review
  • Reading & Assignment - Due Wednesday, September 1 at 8pm
  • Asynchronous due to storm
  • Assignment - Due Wednesday, September 8 at 8pm


  • Twitch Recording
  • No homework this week, catch up on any homework you’ve missed and work on your midterm - remember, this is 25% of your grade!
  • Resources & inspiration for this week - tons of resources for reviewing JavaScript & jQuery, plus potential inspiration or examples to use in your own project.
  • Come prepared to discuss your midterm one-on-one with me next week.
  • Lecture Recording
  • Midterm presentations are due next week! Submit your midterm here, and if you’re using slides and won’t be bringing your own computer either send me a link to them or send them as an attachment.
  • If you want to get ahead on Node.js, check out the resources & inspiration for this week or take a look at Web Development With Node & Express
  • Midterm Due
  • Celebrate! And if you missed last week, make sure to get set up with Node and Heroku before next week - instructions are here.

Class 11: CANCELLED : ( - 11/11

NO CLASS 11/24 - Thanksgiving

  • Keep working on your final, and be ready to present and celebrate next week!
  • Remember that the final day to submit any late or missing work is 12/20.

Class 15: Final presentations! - 12/16

  • Final due

Final day to submit any missing work: 12/20 (No late work will be accepted after this date)

Learning Objectives

  • Students should be able to develop and implement computer-based approaches to media-making practices.
  • Students should master the essential features of server-side programming languages used in the designing and creation of dynamic websites, including:
    • Building functional websites that utilize JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, MongoDB, and other web development technologies.
    • Configuring and modifying node.js servers and MongoDB, databases for the web.
    • Pairing server-side functions and backend data structures with compelling visual interfaces made with CSS, AJAX, and JavaScript
    • Students should be able to recognize and use the features listed above in JavaScript, MongoDB, and JSON.

Required Reading

There is no required text for this course. Weekly readings will be posted on this GitHub.

Course Topics

  1. HTML5
  2. Advanced Topics in JavaScript
  3. Advanced Topics in JQuery
  4. Ajax (asynchronous javascript and xml)
  5. Node.js - library to use javascript as a server side language
  6. JSON - javascript object notation
  7. NoSQL structures - mongoDB


Grades and feedback will be posted in BlackBoard. Work submitted after the beginning of class will be docked a letter grade. Any missing assignments must be submitted by Dec. 20 for credit.

  1. Class and lecture participation (20% of grade). By enrolling in this course and entering the classroom, each student makes the tacit commitment to participate in the class. Active class participation involves more than mere physical presence. Students are expected to be actively involved in the class. They should take the initiative in discussion and projects, ask relevant questions, and contribute to the over-all learning environment of the class.

  2. Technical exercises/homework (30%)

  3. Midterm assignment (25%)

  4. Final assignment (25%)

A Note on Coding

Copying and pasting, especially from StackOverflow, is an integral part of any programmer's life. You are welcome to use code you find in the web (and code we write in class) as part of your own work, though please make sure to thank the source in a code comment. That said, the code should be made your own, as part of a project you write. An assignment that is directly copy and pasted will result in failing that assignment.

I would always prefer you send me broken code than somebody else's code. Bugs are a natural part of the programming process, and you will not be penalized for code that doesn't work as long as you made a good faith effort to resolve the problem. If you're stuck on a particularly tricky bug, you can talk to me during office hours or reach out to me over e-mail.


Computer Labs Besides the grad lab and lounge, there are several labs available at Hunter to complete homework assignments. The schedule for this lab will be posted outside the entrance and online. Other labs available: ICIT 10th Floor labs Academic Integrity Statement Hunter College regards acts of academic dishonesty (e.g., plagiarism, cheating on examinations, obtaining unfair advantage, and falsification of records and official documents) as serious offenses against the values of intellectual honesty. The College is committed to enforcing the CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity and will pursue cases of academic dishonesty according to the Hunter College Academic Integrity Procedures. ADA Statement In compliance with the ADA and with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Hunter College is committed to ensuring educational access and accommodations for all its registered students. Hunter College’s students with disabilities and medical conditions are encouraged to register with the Office of AccessABILITY for assistance and accommodation. For information and appointment contact the Office of AccessABILITY located in Room E1214 or call (212) 772-4857 /or VRS (646) 755-3129. Hunter College Policy on Sexual Misconduct In compliance with the CUNY Policy on Sexual Misconduct, Hunter College reaffirms the prohibition of any sexual misconduct, which includes sexual violence, sexual harassment, and gender-based harassment retaliation against students, employees, or visitors, as well as certain intimate relationships. Students who have experienced any form of sexual violence on or off campus (including CUNY-sponsored trips and events) are entitled to the rights outlined in the Bill of Rights for Hunter College. a. Sexual Violence: Students are strongly encouraged to immediately report the incident by calling 911, contacting NYPD Special Victims Division Hotline (646-610-7272) or their local police precinct, or contacting the College's Public Safety Office (212-772-4444). b. All Other Forms of Sexual Misconduct: Students are also encouraged to contact the College's Title IX Campus Coordinator, Dean John Rose (jtrose@hunter.cuny.edu or 212-650-3262) or Colleen Barry (colleen.barry@hunter.cuny.edu or 212-772-4534) and seek complimentary services through the Counseling and Wellness Services Office, Hunter East 1123. Emergency/Crisis Info: This is a list of numbers, which you can use if there is an emergency or crisis situation on the Hunter campus or if you need assistance at other times. Security -B125 West - 772 – 4444; Medical Office - Room 307 North - 772 – 4800 (During business hours) Office of Student Services - 1119 East - 772 – 4882 4891 (crisis counseling available), The Women's Center - 801 East - 772 – 4931.