
Tools to edit text in "Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis" for the Game Boy Advance


Tools to edit text in "Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis" for the Game Boy Advance. Work in progress, but currently on temporary hiatus due to life.

Click on "Code" in the section above, then click "Download ZIP" to get the sheets.

You will need Scite to edit the larger files, which can be several hundred kilobytes in size. Download a Windows (or whatever your OS is) executable here: https://www.scintilla.org/SciTEDownload.html

Our Ogre franchise modding discord is here: https://discord.gg/YRWaZsQ89p


  • Figure out how to use existing text import tools from romhacking dot net
  • Get those tools working with current text strings
  • Figure out how those tools need pointers formatted
  • Get those tools working with full list of pointers and text strings
  • Develop a comprehensive set of accessories for those tools
  • Locate the font glyphs.
  • Write a readme that explains how to use those tools to edit text for a mod, or how to translate the game into another language.