DSAGTechXChange - No-Code/Low-Code Challenge

Hands-on Session as part of the DSAG TechXChange 2024

🥅 Goal

In this session, we want to show how easily it is to combine the strength of the Neptune DXP to build UI5 apps in a low-code approach and combine this with a Power Automate flow to send approval notifications to Teams.

As a result, you will have a simple App, that allows you to trigger an Approval for a SAP Sales Order, then see the notification in Teams and approve it directly from there.


Neptune User Neptune Power Platform & Teams User
DSAG1 alans@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
DSAG2 aliciat@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
DSAG3 allieb@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
DSAG4 amya@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
DSAG5 annew@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
DSAG6 carlosg@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
DSAG7 christag@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
DSAG8 danj@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
DSAG9 davids@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
DSAG10 dianep@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
DSAG11 ericg@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
DSAG12 gregw@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
DSAG13 jamier@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
DSAG14 jeffh@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
DSAG15 juliani@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
DSAG16 karenb@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
DSAG17 kellyk@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
DSAG18 mollyc@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
DSAG19 reneel@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
DSAG20 sanjays@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
DSAG21 spencerl@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
DSAG22 svenm@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
DSAG23 veronicaq@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
DSAG24 williamc@CRM625261.OnMicrosoft.com
--- - Careful, the Domain is changed for the next ones! -
DSAG25 jeffh@CRM433983.onmicrosoft.com
DSAG26 juliani@CRM433983.onmicrosoft.com
DSAG27 karenb@CRM433983.onmicrosoft.com
DSAG28 kellyk@CRM433983.onmicrosoft.com
DSAG29 gregw@CRM433983.onmicrosoft.com
DSAG30 ericg@CRM433983.onmicrosoft.com

Password will be provided during the workshop.

🤝 Neptune DXP

Login to the Neptune Cockpit


  • Username: dsagxx (for xx user your group number e.g. dsag1)


🏋🏽You can easily download a free Trial here

Neptune App Designer

We will start by creating a new Neptune app with the App Designer.

Connect OData Service + REST Services

In the Cockpit open the OData Source Tool and search for the SalesOrders service


This is the service we will use in our application to connect to our S/4 HANA system and will be used to retrieve the Sales Orders.

Return to the App Designer https://neptune-academy.neptune-software.cloud/appdesigner.html and open the Application created before.

  • Drag the ODataSource from the tree to the Resources in the Application structure and rename it SalesOrdersOData Connect OData

  • Select the SalesOrdersOData service and on the right of the screen select the oData source SalesOrder from the list Neptune

Test the app

Press the Activate button on the top of the screen and press Run to start the application again. Check if the Sales Orders are displayed in the list and you can click an item from the list to see the details.

Sales Orders List

🤝 Power Platform

Now that we have the Neptune app running, let's switch over to Power Automate. For this hands-on session, we have created an environment for you!


🏋🏽You can easily request a free M365 and Power Platform environment via these links

Create your first Power Automate Flow


Normally you would group and package all your flows in a solution. However, since we are going to only create one flow in our scenario, we create our flow in the default solution

  • Click on + Create Power Automate

  • Select Instant Cloud Flow Power Automate

  • Give the flow a name, e.g. Receive call from SAP via Neptune Power Automate

  • Select When an HTTP request is received from the very end of the list of available triggers, then click on Create Power Automate

  • In the designer screen click on manual and change the following properties on the left hand side:


You need to click on Show all under Advanced parameters to see all required settings

  • Who Can Trigger The Flow: Anyone
  • Method: POST

Power Automate

  • Click on Use sample payload to generate schema and paste the following JSON sample (this is what is sent from Neptune to our Power Automate flow). Then click on Done
    "messageID": 111,
    "messageText": "Hello, World!"

Power Automate

  • Now add a new step to send an Adaptive Card to Teams. Click on the + sign under our trigger step "manual" and then Add Action Power Automate

  • In the Add an action search filed, enter Teams wait and select Post adaptive card and wait for a response Power Automate

  • Click on Sign-in to connect the Power Automate flow with Teams. Sign-in with your Microsoft 365 user. Power Automate

  • Select the Channel and Teams where the Adaptive Card should be posted.

  • Post In: Channel
  • Team: Contoso
  • Channel: <Please select the User that was assigned to you, e.g. DSAG1> Power Automate
  • Paste the content for the adaptive card from below in the Message field Power Automate
  "$schema": "http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json",
  "type": "AdaptiveCard",
  "version": "1.2",
  "body": [
      "type": "TextBlock",
      "size": "Medium",
      "weight": "Bolder",
      "text": " Approve SAP Workflow @{triggerBody()?['messageID']} via  Neptune",
      "horizontalAlignment": "Center",
      "wrap": true,
      "style": "heading"
      "type": "TextBlock",
      "text": "@{triggerBody()?['messageText']}",
      "wrap": true
      "type": "Input.Text",
      "id": "comment",
      "label": "Comment"
  "actions": [
      "type": "Action.Submit",
      "title": "Approve"
      "type": "Action.Submit",
      "title": "Reject"


If you want to desing your own adaptive card, you can go to https://www.adaptivecards.io/designer/

  • Save the Power Automate Flow Power Automate

  • Click on the manual trigger action and copy the HTTP POST URL. This is the URL that will be used on the Neptune side to trigger the flow. Power Automate


You could now use Postman (or another REST Client), to call the URL with a sample payload

🤝 Switch back to Neptune DXP


API Designer

In the Neptune Cockpit select the API Designer tile and open it.

Here we will add a new API for the Power Automate Trigger. This API will be used in the Neptune Application.

  • Click on the Add button to create a new API new API

  • Fill in a unique name e.g. DSAGTechExchangePowerAutomateTrigger_xx where xx is your group number and copy only the first part of the URL until /paths from Power Automate as Endpoint eg. https://prod-150.westeurope.logic.azure.com:443/workflows/9a92351242184f7d9fc6f322cddf9df3/triggers/manual/paths API Designer Add

  • Enable the checkbox for Enable Proxy and Use in App Designer & App Editor API Designer checkbox

  • Go to the Operations tab and press the + button and enter the following values

    • Path: /invoke
    • Method: POST
  • Go to the Request tab and enter the following parameters.


Please use the correct values from the copied URL from Power Automate, otherwise you will trigger the wrong endpoint later. Especially the sig parameter is important since that is unique for your Power Automate Flow.

  • api-version: 2016-06-01
  • sp: %2Ftriggers%2Fmanual%2Frun
  • sv: 1.0
  • sig: _UO6mNVAhQwYaFEdWBVsSZq_bolYF8Ee9iUL1BHvUK4

API Designer parameters

  • Press Save to store the API Endpoint

App Designer

Now we can use this API endpoint in our application. Open the App Designer again https://neptune-academy.neptune-software.cloud/appdesigner.html

  • In the Tree library search for RestAPI and drag it under resources App Designer RestAPI

  • Rename the RestAPI to TriggerPowerAutomate

  • On the right side press the select box next to Rest API: App Designer RestAPI

  • In the search dialog search for your DSAGTechExchangePowerAutomateTrigger_xx and select the POST method. App Designer RestAPI

Now we will implement some code behind the Trigger Button.

Search for the ButtonTrigger in the UI tree and select it

Trigger Button

On the right side of the screen in the panel click the button next to the press function

Trigger press

Add the place where the TODO comment is you can add the API call by using the code snippets functionality.

  • Right-click in the Javascript file at the place you want to put the code and select the Code snippets option
  • Collapse the API option.
  • Select TriggerPowerAutomate and press Copy

The code similar to below will be copied. The values might slightly differ because the parameters for each user are different because of the different Power Automate API Endpoints

var options = {
  parameters: {
    "api-version": "2016-06-01", // Optional
    sp: "%2Ftriggers%2Fmanual%2Frun", // Optional
    sv: "1.0", // Optional
    sig: "_UO6mNVAhQwYaFEdWBVsSZq_bolYF8Ee9iUL1BHvUK4", // Optional


One more change is needed to also send the SalesOrder number and the comment to the Power Automate Endpoint. For that, we need to add the following to the options object.

data: {
        "messageID": Number(data.SalesOrder),
        "messageText": oTextAreaComments.getValue()

The complete API call should look similar to this.

var options = {
    parameters: {
        "api-version": "2016-06-01", // Optional 
        "sp": "%2Ftriggers%2Fmanual%2Frun", // Optional 
        "sv": "1.0", // Optional 
        "sig": "_UO6mNVAhQwYaFEdWBVsSZq_bolYF8Ee9iUL1BHvUK4" // Optional 
    data: {
        "messageID": Number(data.SalesOrder),
        "messageText": oTextAreaComments.getValue()


Run the application and trigger a call to Power Automate

Press the Activate button and press the Run button on top of the screen to start the application

  • Open a Sales Order from the list and press the Trigger Approval button Trigger Approval

🤝 Switch back to Power Automate

  • Open up Teams and navigate to the Channel you had specified. If everything worked fine, you should see an adaptive card. Power Automate

Add Approve / Reject

  • Now we need to add the functionality the Approve / Reject the incoming workflow. The Teams action is actually waiting for a response, so we can add a Condition that allows us to send an HTTP response back to the SAP system.

  • Under the Post adaptive card and wait for a response action, click on the + and Add an action Power Automate

  • Search for Condition and click on the action Power Automate

  • In the Condition action, click on Choose a value and select fx Power Automate

  • Enter the function below to take the response from the Teams action


Power Automate

  • Now enter the value that we are checking: Approve Power Automate

  • In the True branch of the Condition flow, click on + and Add an Action Power Automate

  • Search for HTTP and select the HTTP action Power Automate

  • Enter the following values

    • URI: https://neptune-academy.neptune-software.cloud/api/serverscript/dsagtechexchangepowerautomate/approve
    • Method: POST
    • Body:
        "SalesOrder": @{triggerBody()?['messageID']}

    Power Automate

  • For the Authentication select 'Authentication' under Advanced parameters and enter the following values

    • Authentication Type: Basic
    • Username: dsag
    • Password: dsag24 (you can also use your own username/password for your Neptune user) Power Automate
  • Save the Power Automate Flow

  • This is how the flow overall should look like Power Automate

🤝 Switch back to Neptune DXP

You can now go back to your Neptune application in the browser or start it again from the App Designer.

  • Trigger another Sales Order Approval Trigger Approval

  • Approve the Sales Order in Teams Teams Approval

  • Refresh the Sales Orders list and check if the Sales Order is approved Neptune Approval