Inline Python documentation for the FL Studio MIDI API.
This repository includes 10 Python scripts (one per API module) with all the functions and methods described in the official documentation for the FL Studio MIDI API introduced in the 20.7 update, as well as inline comments for all of them.
If you're using a code editor with Python support like Visual Studio Code or PyCharm, add these scripts to your workspace. The software will index all the functions and methods and enable code completion. Start writting the name of a function or method and it will display all the possible matches as well as their descriptions as written in the API documentation.
Note: On Visual Studio Code, you might need to reload the window
At the moment, this documentation is not finished yet:
- playlist module: pending
- channels module: pending
- mixer module: pending
- patterns module: pending
- arrangement module: done ✅
- ui module: pending
- transport module: pending
- device module: done ✅
- general module: pending
- launchMapPages module: pending