This is n to n video chat room for ant media server.
It is a simple webrtc group chat application that using Ant Media Server as SFU
Download the ant media server from ANT MEDIA SERVER
You can find installation guide on github ANT GITHUB REPO
git clone
There is two project
Nodejs Client : This includes index.html + ant websocket connect api ( antapi.js )
- Ant server websocket api send publish / play request to the ant server
- Listen ant server websocket response
- Connect Nodejs server for chat room operation such as login / disconnect
Nodejs Server : This provide login to chat room, listen events, messaging
- This is for chatroom application
- Allows user to login to the given room
- Allows user to public chat
- Listen login / disconnect event
On Nodejs Server Run Following Command
npm install --save express
npm install --save
As you know, webrtc isn't allowed when the page is not safe ( https )
Please install ssl to your ant server or proxy pass the request to the ant websocket
Change the ant media websocket url in nodeclientjs/assets/js/antapi.js with your own
var wsURL = "wss://my_ant_server_ip/WebRTCAppEE/websocket";
Change the nodejs websocket url in nodejsclient/index.html
var socketIoConnectionUrl = "";
By default, the nodejs application run on port 3000, define ssl to nodejs or proxy pass the 443 with path to 3000
cd nodejsserver
node videochat.js
Open your nodejsclient with https
Login Page
- Enter your nickname (English Characters & Numbers without space required)
- Enter your Room Name (English Characters & Numbers without space required)
For proxy pass you can use nginx as well
- Login
- Dynamic Chat Room
- Text Chat
- Play / Publish Implementation
- PeerConnection / Icecandidate etc webrtc stuff implemented
- Text Chat
- Selecting Camera / Microphone
- Publish Stream Button ( Now starting automatically )
- Ant Api Implementation for local user must be changed
- Token Play / Publish
- External Player Link For Hls Playback
- Typo Control
- Test
- Maybe Angular 2+ implementation will be good at client side
Mail :
Phone / Whatsapp / Telegram : +90 532 346 67 79
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