
mustache implementation for scala.

Primary LanguageScala


started porting this project to use scala 2.10

mustache.scala is an implementation of mustache for Scala. It does not at present support custom delimiters.

To render a template, a Mustache object must first be instantiated. This takes a scala.io.Source, which has many convenience methods for reading files, strings, etc.

import org.monkey.mustache._
val mustache = new Mustache(io.Source.fromString(
  "{{helloworld}} {{#truefalse}}yes?{{/truefalse}}" + 
  "{{#falsetrue}}grr{{/falsetrue}}" +

Once the template is instantiated, it is rendered with a Dictionary. Dictionary provides a builder to create dictionaries:

val d = Dictionary()
  .data("helloworld", "hello, world!")
  .bool("truefalse", true)
      .data("v2", "iter0"))
      .data("v2", "iter1"))

The string is then rendered with Mustache.apply

scala> mustache(d)
res4: String = hello, world! yes?iter0iter1

The mustache AST is available to the application developer, so she may provider her own interpreter. This is useful, for example, to give the template access to an object graph directly instead of the default Dictionary implementation.


mustache.scala uses ANTLR for parsing. This requires source files to be generated. (now uses maven with antlr3 plugin)

maven / sbt (Not published yet, clone and build it yourself for now.)

val mustache = "org.monkey" % "mustache" % "1.0.5-SNAPSHOT"