
Multiplatform Angular project (Web/PWA, Mobile and Desktop) with Ionic (and optionally Bootstrap) - Sample: https://angular-pwa-seed.netlify.com

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Angular PWA Seed (Template)

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Multiplatform Angular project (Web/PWA, Mobile and Desktop) with Ionic applied.


A sample is available at: https://angular-pwa-seed.netlify.com

TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read)

Just want to see this running on browser and android (if have the emulator already configured)!

At shell/cmd run this (windows only):

npm i -g @angular/cli cordova ionic@beta typescript sleep-ms concurrently && git clone https://github.com/jvitor83/angular-pwa-seed && cd angular-pwa-seed && npm i & (IF DEFINED ANDROID_HOME npm run install.android) & npm run start.cordova


Be the easiest, simplest, fastest and performative way to create a Web(PWA) using Angular.

Secondary goal

Allow optionally to create an installable application (and reach the maximum performance possible) using:


Performance features

Developer Features

This Seed use Ionic to get the visual experience from each device/platform, be mobile friendly and performative. But it uses Ionic only at UI Components and Theming, the Router used is the Angular Router and not the Ionic's NavController.

  • PWA Already - Manifest and ServiceWorker already configured (just need to host in HTTPS to get A2HS).

The service-worker (offline) is updated at each publish npm run publish.prod, so no worry about updating the cache version.

  • Multiple Layouts - Choose between Menu, Tab and Blank Layouts

At app.html in <seed-layout type="menu">, choose your desired layout type

  • Fast start - Just by giving the name, color theme and icon.

Change the config section at package.json, create your icon at resources/icon.png (for app) and assets/logo.png (for enterprise), then run npm run resources

  • Debugging - Can debug easily

At VSCode, Run (debugging) just by pressing "F5"

  • Simple responsive - Choose when hide or show elements (ex: if mobile or desktop).

Use the directive invisible-to="mobile" at any element/component to make it invisible when at mobile.

  • Easy configuration - Use the Angular CLI environment.ts for app's configuration.

Authentication options is already setted (with google). Just choose your Identity Provider and change the config.

Ex: ng g component new-cmp. More info at Angular CLI

  • Components you choose - It already has Ionic and Bootstrap installed, but you can include any other you want.



  • GIT: Have installed or Install GIT: https://git-scm.com/downloads
  • NODE: Have installed or Install NODE (6.X.X): https://nodejs.org/en/download/releases/
  • Install Global Dependencies: npm install --global @angular/cli cordova ionic@beta typescript sleep-ms concurrently
  • Install Platform Requirements (optional if other different than web): See the requirements at running section according to your chosen platform.


# Install global dependencies
npm install --global @angular/cli cordova ionic@beta typescript sleep-ms concurrently

# Clone this repo giving your new project name
git clone https://github.com/jvitor83/angular-pwa-seed.git [your-project-name]

cd [your-project-name]

# Set your origin repository (can be later if wanted to)
git remote set-url origin [your-project-git-repo]

# Add this repository as upstream (to keep updated)
git remote add upstream https://github.com/jvitor83/angular-pwa-seed.git

# Execute those always when want to get the latest updates from the seed
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master

# Install the project's dependencies
npm install

# (Optionally) Start the project
npm run start


You could use:

Only remember to first build the angular ng build , then run the cordova cordova run android.

So, the steps are:

Web Other Platforms (Cordova)
- Run ng serve - Compile the App ng build
- Install your desired platform (one time only) cordova platform add android --save
- Run your desired platform cordova run android

VSCode: Running on Web: Just press F5


Each platform has your specific requirements (SDK, Tools, environment) to compile/run.

- Ex: To compile/run android, must have Android Studio or Android SDK installed and a emulator or device.

- Ex: To compile windows, must have Visual Studio and be on windows to run.

See the links below to know how to install each requirement.

You could use some custom npm scripts/commands to install/run the platform:

Web npm run start
Android Platform Guide npm run install.android npm run start.android
IOS Platform Guide npm run install.ios npm run start.ios
Windows Platform Guide npm run install.windows npm run start.windows
OSx Platform Guide npm run install.osx npm run start.osx
Ubuntu (Linux) Platform Guide npm run install.ubuntu npm run start.ubuntu
Browser npm run install.browser npm run start.browser


You can try multiple platform at same time using:

  • Open shell then run npm run start.mobile

If you want to see it in a non-web emulator, then run npm run start.cordova


├── src                             <- source code of the application
│   ├── app                         <- angular components

More details at: Angular CLI and Ionic




BrowserStack - Testing against multiple browsers/platforms