
Minimum lovable machine learning pipeline.

Primary LanguagePythonISC LicenseISC


ML2P -- or (ML)^2P -- is the minimal lovable machine-learning pipeline and a friendlier interface to AWS SageMaker.

Design goals:

  • support the full machine learning lifecyle
  • support custom feature engineering
  • support building custom models in Python
  • provide reproducible training and deployment of models
  • support the use of customised base Docker images for training and deployment

Concretely it provides a command line interface and a Python library to assist with:

  • S3:
    • Managing training data
  • SageMaker:
    • Launching training jobs
    • Deploying trained models
    • Creating notebook instances
  • On your local machine or in a SageMaker notebook:
    • Downloading training datasets from S3
    • Training models
    • Loading trained models from SageMaker / S3


Install ML2P with:

$ pip install ml2p


ML2P helps manage a machine learning project. You'll define your project by writing a small YAML file named ml2p.yml:

project: "ml2p-tutorial"
s3folder: "s3://your-s3-bucket/"
  bob: "models.RegressorModel"
  image: "XXXXX.dkr.ecr.REGION.amazonaws.com/your-docker-image:X.Y.Z"
  role: "arn:aws:iam::XXXXX:role/your-role"
  instance_type: "ml.m5.large"
  instance_type: "ml.t2.medium"
  record_invokes: true

This specifies:

  • project: the name of your project
  • s3folder: the S3 bucket that will hold the models and data sets for your project
  • models: a list of model names and the Python classes that will be used to train the models and make predictions
  • defaults:
    • image: the docker image that your project will use for training and prediction
    • role: the AWS role your project will run under
  • train:
    • instance_type: the AWS instance type that will be used when training your model
  • deploy:
    • instance_type: the AWS instance type that will be used when deploying your model
    • record_invokes: whether to record prediction requests in S3

The name of your project functions as a prefix to the names of SageMaker training jobs, models and endpoints that ML2P creates (since these names are global within a SageMaker account).

ML2P also tags all of the AWS objects it creates with your project name.


See https://ml2p.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial/ for a step-by-step tutorial.