
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


An implementation of VQE from scratch [*].

[*]Here "from scratch" is defined as "using only states, operators and circuits from QuTiP".

Notebook with solution to Screening Task 4

Click the link above to view the notebook with the solution!

Library features

  • Can decompose Hamiltonians into Pauli operators.
  • Can re-compose Pauli decompositions into Hamiltonians.
  • Can build Pauli measurement operators for one and two qubit operators (needs extending to support arbitrary size operators).
  • Can estimate the energy of a state for a given (decomposed) Hamiltonian either by:
    • simulation (mutiple calls to QubitCircuit.run)
    • analytically (a single call to QubitCircuit.run_statistics).
  • Extensive unit tests for vqefs.pauli.decompose using hypothesis.

Future work

  • It would be nice to run the circuit on a QuTiP Processor instead (i.e. a simulator for a real quantum device) but this requires adding support for circuits with measurement to the Processors (likely not too hard, but not done yet).
  • Implement calculation of Pauli measurement gates for 3+ qubits.
  • Extend the extensive unit tests to the rest of the library.


  • This library requires the QuTiP master branch for QubitCircuit measurement support. Once QuTiP 4.6 is released it should be possilbe to run in on QuTiP 4.6.
  • Full disclosure -- I implemented some of the initial parts of QuTiP's measurement support.
