
Custom user input/output devices for games

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Open Interactivity System

Custom user input/output devices for games.

View this file with a night/dark theme here.


By adding support for the OIS protocol to your game, your users can create their own physical input devices using hobbyist hardware such as Arduino.

Use cases:

  • Physical installations / arcades / trade show booths
  • Immersive simulations
  • Unique games designed for custom input devices
  • Accessibility for users who are not comfortable with traditional inputs
  • This was build with video games in mind, but anyone who wants to create custom physical buttons / sliders / knobs / LEDs / etc and control them from a PC could also find this project useful.

This project defines a communication specification, plus reference implementations that can be dropped into your games / input devices.


TODO: How to use / configure

  • cpp
    • Use if adding support to your game/app to act as a host.
    • Use if making a controller where C++ is applicable.
  • arduino
    • Use if making a physical controller based on Arduino hardware
  • javascript
    • Use if making a Web-browser based controller.


  • javascript/example/example_uil
    • A HTML virtual controller using Websockets
  • javascript/example/example_pixi
    • Another HTML virtual controller using Websockets
  • arduino/example
    • Example Arduino IDE project
  • app_ois_hub
    • A C++ host (e.g. as you would use in a game) using serial (COM) ports and Websockets
    • A C++ client / virtual controller using serial (COM) ports
    • A virtual direct input device (translate OIS commands to vJoy commands)
    • A GUI to visualize OIS state / communication


This library is a work in progress. Contributors welcome!

  • Usable features:
    • C++ host (for use in your games)
    • C++ client (for use in controllers)
    • Arduino client (for use in physical controllers)
    • JavaScript client (for use in web controllers)
    • Example GUI application
    • Game compatibility
  • Documentation!
    • README files
    • ASCII protocol description
      • Backus–Naur form?
    • Binary protocol description
    • State diagram
  • Test compatibility with the "v1" spec:
    • Test the Arduino device code against Objects In Space game.
    • Test the C++ host code against other arduino libraries (e.g. Arduinos In Space).
  • Collaborate with the community to nail down an ideal "v2" spec.
    • Extra data type support -- strings, 32bit int + real float?
    • More testing of the binary communication mode.
  • Example implementations in other languages
    • C++
    • Javascript
    • C#
  • Other transport mechanisms
    • Serial ports
    • Websockets
    • TCP, HTTP, pipes, shared memory?
  • Port to platforms other than Windows.
  • Game Engine examples (Unity, Unreal?).
  • Example apps
    • Translate data from an OIS device into a virtual Direct Input device using vJoy (allow OIS devices to work on non-OIS-compatible games)


This project is inspired by an an extension of the serial protocol developed by Flat Earth Games for Objects In Space, described here:

And with existing library support here:

These existing libraries and specification are referred to as "v1" here, with this project presented as a proposal for a possible "v2".

Protocol Overview

Protocol states

  • Handshaking (HS)
    • Device requests a connection from the host, negotiates the protocol version.
  • Synchronisation (SYN)
    • Device registers inputs, outputs and commands that it can send/receive.
  • Active (ACT)
    • Device and host send/receive values and commands.

Data Types

  • Boolean - true or false
    • 0 or 1
  • Number - 16 bit signed integer
    • -32768 to 32767
  • Fraction - 16 bit signed integer, scaled by 100 (i.e. The number 1.5 is encoded as 150)
    • -327.68 to 327.67

Transmission formats

TODO: Binary / ASCII description

Protocol messages (ASCII)

Command Host send Device send HS state SYN state ACT state
SYN Begin Synchronisation stage ✓₂ ✓₂
ACK Acknowledge connection
DEN Deny connection
PID Register device name/ID ✓₂ ✓₂
CMD Register command ✓₂
NIB Add numeric input (boolean) registration ✓₂
NIN Add numeric input (number) registration ✓₂
NIF Add numeric input (fraction) registration ✓₂
NOB Add numeric output (boolean) registration ✓₂ ✓₂ ✓₂
NON Add numeric output(number) registration ✓₂ ✓₂ ✓₂
NOF Add numeric output (fraction) registration ✓₂ ✓₂ ✓₂
TNI Toggle numeric input activity ✓₂ ✓₂ ✓₂
ACT End synchronisation state / begin active state
EXC Execute command
DBG Debug messaging ✓₂ ✓₂
# Numeric input/output key/value ✓₂
END Reset to handshake stage ✓₂ ✓₂ ✓₂ ✓₂ ✓₂

₂ = introduced in version 2

Protocol messages (binary)

Handshaking still occurs in ASCII; communication swtiches to binary after a request to use the binary protocol is accepted with an ACK message from the host.

Command Header Bytes Host send Device send HS state SYN state ACT state
CL_CMD 0x01 3+string (\0 terminated) Register command
CL_NIO 0x02 / 0x12 / 0x22 / 0x42 / 0x52 / 0x62 / 3+string (\0 terminated) Add numeric input or output registration
CL_ACT 0x03 1 End sync state / begin active state
CL_DBG 0x04 1+string (\0 terminated) Debug messaging
CL_TNI 0x05 / 0x15 3 Toggle numeric input activity
CL_PID 0x06 9+string (\0 terminated) Register device name/ID
CL_EXC 0x0C / 0x0D / 0x0E 1/2/3 Execute command
CL_VAL 0x08 / 0x09 / 0x0A / 0x0B 2/3/4/5 Numeric output key/value
SV_VAL 0x01 / 0x02 / 0x03 / 0x04 2/3/4/5 Numeric input key/value
END 0x45 / 'E' (END\n) 4 ASCII END command
SYN 0x53 / 'S' / (SYN=) 4+string (\n terminated) ASCII SYN command

Even though handshaking must complete before binary communication begins, host implementations should correctly handle an ASCII SYN command, as these can occur if a controller is power-cycled after a connection is established.

ASCII Protocol in-depth

TODO - details

For now, see the Objects In Space specification, although it does contain some errata and no details on v2 commands... sorry.

Binary Protocol in-depth

Device to Host (Client) messages

Device to host messages take up 1 or more bytes, with a message type identifier in the lowest 4 bits of the first byte. The high 4 bits of some message types are used to store additional message data. Unless the message type contains a string, the size of a message in bytes can be determined from the type parameter alone.

| Byte 0        || Byte 1+       ||
| Type  | Extra || Data          ||

Some messages contain ASCII string data, which appears immediately after the regular message bytes, and is terminated with a NULL byte (0x00).

For example, a DBG message header is a single byte, followed by a string. A DBG message containing the two-byte string "Hi" would be encoded as the following 4 bytes:

| Byte 0        || B1 || B2 || B3 ||
|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7||    ||    ||    ||
|CL_DBG |       ||'H' ||'i' ||'\0'||
| 0x4   | 0x0   ||0x48||0x69||0x00||
| 0x04          ||

Message byte layouts

Command Type Extra Following bytes
CL_CMD 0x1 Must be 0 Byte 1: Low byte of channel ID
Byte 2: High byte of channel ID
Byte 3+: String event name (\0 terminated)
CL_NIO 0x2 Bitmask of:
0x1: Number (N*N)
0x2: Fraction (N*F)
0x4: Output (NO*)
Byte 1: Low byte of channel ID
Byte 2: High byte of channel ID
Byte 3+: String input/output name (\0 terminated)
CL_ACT 0x3 Must be 0 None
CL_DBG 0x4 Must be 0 Byte 1+: String debug message (\0 terminated)
CL_TNI 0x5 0x0: False / deactivate
0x1: True / activate
Byte 1: Low byte of hannel ID
Byte 2: High byte of channel ID
CL_PID 0x6 Must be 0 Bytes [1-4]: Product ID (32bit little endian)
Bytes [5-8]: Vendor ID (32bit little endian)
Byte 9+: Device name (\0 terminated)
CL_EXC_0 0xC Channel ID
(low 4 bits)
CL_EXC_1 0xD High byte of the channel ID
(low 4 bits)
Byte 1: Low byte of hannel ID
CL_EXC_2 0xE Must be 0 Byte 1: Low byte of hannel ID
Byte 2: High byte of channel ID
CL_VAL_1 0x8 Value
(low 4 bits)
Byte 1: Low byte of the channel ID
CL_VAL_2 0x9 High byte of value
(low 4 bits)
Byte 1: Low byte of value
Byte 2: Low byte of channel ID
CL_VAL_3 0xA High byte of channel ID
(low 4 bits)
Byte 1: Low byte of value
Byte 2: High byte of value
Byte 3: Low byte of channel ID
CL_VAL_4 0xB Must be 0 Byte 1: Low byte of value
Byte 2: High byte of value
Byte 3: Low byte of channel ID
Byte 4: High byte of channel ID
END ASCII Byte 0: 'E' (0x45) Byte 1: 'N' (0x4E)
Byte 2: 'D' (0x44)
Byte 3: '\n' (0x0A)
SYN ASCII Byte 0: 'S' (0x35) Byte 1: 'Y' (0x59)
Byte 2: 'N' (0x4E)
Byte 3: '=' (0x3D)
ASCII Conflicts

The valid ASCII commands may conflict with some binary type values, and must be differentiated by looking at the entire Byte 0 value:

Type Binary command Byte 0 ASCII command Byte 0
0x5 CL_TNI 0x05 / 0x15 END 0x45
0x5 CL_TNI 0x05 / 0x15 SYN 0x35

Host to Device (Server) messages

Device to host messages take up 1 or more bytes, with a message type identifier in the lowest 3 bits of the first byte. The high 5 bits of some message types are used to store additional message data. The size of a message in bytes can be determined from the type parameter alone.

| Byte 0        || Byte 1+       ||
| Type| Extra   || Data          ||

Message byte layouts

Command Type Extra Following bytes
SV_VAL_1 0x1 Value
(low 5 bits)
Byte 1: Low byte of the channel ID
SV_VAL_2 0x2 High byte of value
(low 5 bits)
Byte 1: Low byte of value
Byte 2: Low byte of channel ID
SV_VAL_3 0x3 High byte of channel ID
(low 5 bits)
Byte 1: Low byte of value
Byte 2: High byte of value
Byte 3: Low byte of channel ID
SV_VAL_4 0x4 Must be 0 Byte 1: Low byte of value
Byte 2: High byte of value
Byte 3: Low byte of channel ID
Byte 4: High byte of channel ID
END ASCII Byte 0: 'E' (0x45) Byte 1: 'N' (0x4E)
Byte 2: 'D' (0x44)
Byte 3: '\n' (0x0A)

EXC and VAL commands

The EXC (execute command) and VAL (set numeric input/output value) commands have a total of 11 different variants which can be used to reduce message sizes. The limits of each of these commands is listed below. n.b. "value" here is the numeric value when interpreted as an unsigned integer (uint16_t in C/C++).

Command Size in bytes Limitation
CL_EXC0 1 channel < 16
CL_EXC1 2 channel < 4096
CL_EXC2 3 any channel
CL_VAL_1 2 channel < 256 AND value < 16
CL_VAL_2 3 channel < 256 AND value < 4096
CL_VAL_3 4 channel < 4096
CL_VAL_4 5 any channel / value
SV_VAL_1 2 channel < 256 AND value < 32
SV_VAL_2 3 channel < 256 AND value < 8192
SV_VAL_3 4 channel < 8192
SV_VAL_4 5 any channel / value
