
Signal abstraction to create WebRTC connections through sockets.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status JavaScript Style Guide standard-readme compliant

Signal abstraction to create WebRTC connections through sockets.

This module provides a common interface (for the client and server) to build your own signal.

If you want to use a ready to use implementation check: socket-signal-websocket.


$ npm install socket-signal



The client interface provides almost everything that you need to start a basic signal client (most of the times you won't need to add more features).

const { SocketSignalClient } = require('socket-signal')

class YourClient extends SocketSignalClient {
  async _open() {
    await super._open()

  async _close() {
    await super._close()

  async _onOffer(data) {
    // data.offer

  async _onAnswer(data) {
    // data.answer

  async _onIncomingPeer(peer) {
    if (validPeer(peer)) return
    throw new Error('invalid peer')

const client = new YourClient(socket, opts)

;(async () => {
  // open the client
  await client.open()

  // join the swarm for the given topic and get the current peers for that topic
  const peersAvailable = await client.join(topic)

  // request a connection to a specific peer
  const remotePeer = client.connect(topic, peersAvailable[0])

  // optional, use the signal to listen for incoming media streams
  remotePeer.subscribeMediaStream = true

  try {
    // wait until the connection is established
    await remotePeer.ready()
    // SimplePeer connected
  } catch(err) {
    // SimplePeer rejected


const { SocketSignalServer } = require('socket-signal')

class YourServer extends SocketSignalServer {
  async _onDisconnect (rpc) {
    // onDisconnect a peer socket

  async _onJoin (rpc, msg) {
    // msg.id, msg.topic

  async _onLeave (rpc, msg) {
    // msg.id, msg.topic

  async _onLookup (rpc, msg) {
    // msg.topic

   * request signal offer
  async _onOffer (rpc, msg) {
    // msg.remoteId, msg.topic, msg.data

   * event signal
   * this event is emitted when there is a signal candidate
  async _onSignal (rpc, msg) {
    // msg.remoteId, msg.topic, msg.data

If you want a server with a minimal implementation to handle peer connections you can use SocketSignalServerMap.



const client = new Client(socket, options)

Creates a new client instance.

Options include:

  • id: Buffer: Buffer of 32 bytes.
  • requestTimeout: 15 * 1000: How long to wait for peer requests.
  • concurrency: 1: How many incoming connections in concurrent can handle
  • metadata: Object: Metadata to share across network.
  • simplePeer: Object: SimplePeer options.

IMPORTANT: Every id and topic must be a Buffer of 32 bytes.

client.open() => Promise

Open the client.

client.close() => Promise

Close the client.

client.join(topic: Buffer) => Promise<Array<Buffer>>

Join the swarm for the given topic and do a lookup of peers available for that topic.

client.leave(topic: Buffer) => Promise

Leave the swarm for the given topic.

IMPORTANT: This will not close the current peers for that topic you should call closeConnectionsByTopic(topic)

client.closeConnectionsByTopic(topic: Buffer) => Promise

Close all the connections referenced by a topic.

client.connect(topic: Buffer, peerId: Buffer, options?: Object) => Peer

Creates a request connection for a specific topic and peerId.

options include:

  • metadata: Object: Metadata to share with the other peer.
  • simplePeer: Object: Specific SimplePeer options for this connection.

Peer is an object with:

  • id: Buffer: ID of the peer.
  • sessionId: Buffer: Unique ID for this connection.
  • topic: Buffer: Topic related.
  • metadata: Object: Metadata object to share with other side.
  • stream: SimplePeer: The SimplePeer internal stream.
  • subscribeMediaStream: boolean: Set in true if you want to use the signal to listen for incoming media streams. Default: false.

peer.ready() => Promise

Wait for the connection to be established.

peer.addStream(mediaStream) => Peer

Add a media stream.


🐛 If you found an issue we encourage you to report it on github. Please specify your OS and the actions to reproduce it.


👥 Ideas and contributions to the project are welcome. You must follow this guideline.


MIT © A GEUT project