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Object-Oriented Programming in Python

Welcome to the "Object-Oriented Programming and Project Setup in Python" Tutorial Session!

Hi there! We're glad you've decided to join us for this tutorial session on object-oriented programming (OOP) and project setup in Python.

The tutorial will be led by Christian Hölzer and Marvin Friede, two PhD students in the Grimme lab who are excited to share their knowledge on those two topics with you.

During the session, we will be using a combination of slides and Jupyter notebooks to introduce you to the concepts of OOP in Python. The slides will provide a high-level overview of the key concepts, and the Jupyter notebooks will allow you to see these concepts in action with interactive examples and exercises.

We hope that by the end of the session, you will have a good understanding of OOP and porject setup in Python, and will feel confident using these concepts in your own projects.

We look forward to learning with you!

Best, Christian and Marvin


  1. The content of the talks is given in lecture-oop.pdf and lecture-project.pdf
  2. The exercises for the tutorial session are given in tutorial.ipynb (solutions can be issued upon request)
  3. The template used for the project setup part is hosted at https://github.com/marvinfriede/template-python-project


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