
City of Amsterdam neighbourhoods, background maps, postal codes and color styles

Primary LanguagePLSQL

Tableau Desktop Repository

City of Amsterdam neighbourhoods, background maps, postal codes and color styles files/settings for use in Tableau Desktop.

What's it for?

This repository contains usefull geometry files of the City of Amsterdam for use in Tableau Desktop Public/Personal or Professional. These are the neighbourhoods based on areas in the period 2011-2015 and the period from 2015 till now.

An example of 2015-now can be downloaded and viewed here: https://public.tableau.com/views/Gebieden2016/Gebieden It contains an example of the custom geocoding with feature files, to see the used coding/names of the neighbourhoods.

It contains:

  1. A custom geocoding file of the City of Amsterdam neighbourhood codes and postal codes:
    • Gemeente (STAD)
    • Stadsdeel (A)
    • Gebieden (DX00)
    • Wijk (A00)
    • Buurt (A00a)
    • PC6 (1000aa)
    • PC5 (1000a)
    • PC4 (1000)
    • Rayons (AA00)
    • Alternatieve gebieden (AS00)
    • Winkelgebieden (W01)
    • Werkgebieden/Bedrijventerreinen (bb01)
  2. Background maps using our TMS services found on https://api.data.amsterdam.nl
  3. Standardized color styles which are used at https://ois.amsterdam.nl

Install Procedure

  • Download the repository to your desktop
  • Unpack the zip file
  • Copy and overwrite all files into 'My Tableau Repository' located in My Documents.

On Windows the directory is located here: 'C:\Users<Windows Username>\Documents\My Tableau Repository'

The provided packaged workbook is saved packaged workbook to tableau public as a version 9.1 to maximize compatibility.


If you use a virtualized machine where you cannot change the tableau repository: Download and open the provided packaged workbook to continue working with this file to have the geocoding options available.


These files are created using our WFS services found on https://api.data.amsterdam.nl. All neighbourhood layers were joined into one big shapefile. This shapefile was then converted to a custom geocoding option by using this excelent conversion tool created by Richard Leeke. He provides support on this page: https://community.tableau.com/thread/116369

We used this tutorial to made it all work: http://www.clearlyandsimply.com/clearly_and_simply/2012/03/create-your-own-filled-maps-in-tableau.html