The primary purpose of this repository is to present a
file capable of automatically standing up
multiple Apple iOS simulators and Android emulators
Use cases for this include multiuser games, or applications where actions by one user are immediately reflected in another user's UI.
This allows for system tests that run not only across the frontend and backend applications, but across frontend application instances as well. Or for demoing complex functionality between multiple instances on one developer workstation.
npm install
should suffice.
However, if you haven't done React or React Native development on your workstation yet, you may also need to install:
- Latest version of XCode
- Latest version of Android Studio
As well as some tools:
npm install
npm install -g detox-cli
(if you want to run e2e tests)brew tap wix/brew
(if you don't have homebrew)brew install applesimutils
As usual with React Native, you can run a single instance:
npm run ios
npm run android
You can run an arbitrary number of iOS simulators and
Android emulators, by editing the build.gradle
def numberOfAndroids = 3
def numberOfIPhones = 3
Specify the number of each you'd like to run. (BUG: If you set one of them to zero, it still runs one.)
Then, you can start the instances with:
./gradlew start
It takes several minutes for them to start.
When you're finished, you can run:
./gradlew stop
This repository contains some tests that compare React Native unit testing using Testing-Library/React and Enzyme. In both cases, we use Jest as the test runner. You can use any test runner you like.
npm install
npm test
The run time for the two unit tests are very similar. 6 seconds versus 7.5 seconds. However, the Enzyme test is doing a shallow render while the Testing-Library test is doing a full render.
We also found that the test code for Testing-Library is much more succinct, easy to read, and discourages gray or white box testing, which is an anti-pattern in React.
However, if you are doing all of your components in a functional style and avoiding maintaining state in the components, you're probably not doing the things Testing-Library is designed to discourage you from doing, anyway.
In our spike, we constructed a unit test on the App.js
view that asserts when you click a Click for Time
the current time will appear next to a Current Time
Note an illustration of the dangers of unit testing: Although the view is capable of this, as demonstrated by the unit tests passing, it cannot do it for real. The appropriate functions have not been implemented. Those passed into the view during the test are test doubles.
In the Enzyme test, we set up our unit under test in the usual way:
app = shallow(<App {} />);
In the Testing-Library version it's very similar:
app = render(<App {} />);
But it's important to note that the Testing-Library render() is more akin to the Enzyme mount(). In both cases, you can pass in properties which lets you exploit seams and control dependency behavior without altering your code under test.
Your tests will have some notable differences.
test("should call getCurrentTime action creator when button is clicked", () => {
const getTimeButton = app.find(Button);
expect(app.find(Text).at(1).childAt(0).text()).toEqual('Current Time: ' + newTime);
test("should call getCurrentTime action creator when button is clicked", async () => {
const {getByTestId, queryByTestId} = app;
const getTimeButton = getByTestId('getTime');;
await wait(() => expect(queryByTestId('time')).toBeTruthy());
await wait(() => expect(getByTestId('time').props.children).toEqual('Current Time: ' + newTime));
First, Testing-Library encourages using testIDs to find elements in your code. On the one hand, the objection is that we're adding code to facilitate testing. On the other, testIDs are more reliable than some mix of query selectors, types, or children of children ad infinitum.
Second, Testing-Library's event simulations seem more reliable than Enzyme's. You fire an event directly, rather than relying on Enzyme's .simulate() to exercise an element to get the desired behavior.
Finally, TLR's async await functionality is more seamless and let's you wait for an assertion to become true, rather than hoping it is when you assert it or writing some kind of loop like we often have to do in Enzyme.