Pinned Repositories
Some algorithms in code (C#)
Compliance Buddy application built for Georgia Tech OMSCY Practicum
Contrail Controller
Full Stack Nanodegree - Project 1 - Movie Trailer Website
For this project, you'll be building a portfolio website. You will be provided a design mockup as a PDF-file, and you must replicate that design in HTML and CSS. You will develop a responsive website that will display images, descriptions and links to each of the portfolio projects you will complete through the course of your Nanodegree program. Please note that while you should aim to recreate the mockup, you may also use your own custom images to personalize this project. Once you've successfully replicated the design mockup, you are encouraged to continue tweaking and making customizations to the design to personalize it and make it your own! This is your living portfolio site, so make sure you're happy with it.
You've been hired onto a team working on a newspaper site. The user-facing newspaper site frontend itself, and the database behind it, are already built and running. You've been asked to build an internal reporting tool that will use information from the database to discover what kind of articles the site's readers like. The database contains newspaper articles, as well as the web server log for the site. The log has a database row for each time a reader loaded a web page. Using that information, your code will answer questions about the site's user activity. The program you write in this project will run from the command line. It won't take any input from the user. Instead, it will connect to that database, use SQL queries to analyze the log data, and print out the answers to some questions.
You will develop an application that provides a list of items within a variety of categories as well as provide a user registration and authentication system. Registered users will have the ability to post, edit and delete their own items.
You will take a baseline installation of a Linux distribution on a virtual machine and prepare it to host your web applications, to include installing updates, securing it from a number of attack vectors and installing/configuring web and database servers.
hoffers's Repositories
Some algorithms in code (C#)
Compliance Buddy application built for Georgia Tech OMSCY Practicum
Contrail Controller
Full Stack Nanodegree - Project 1 - Movie Trailer Website
For this project, you'll be building a portfolio website. You will be provided a design mockup as a PDF-file, and you must replicate that design in HTML and CSS. You will develop a responsive website that will display images, descriptions and links to each of the portfolio projects you will complete through the course of your Nanodegree program. Please note that while you should aim to recreate the mockup, you may also use your own custom images to personalize this project. Once you've successfully replicated the design mockup, you are encouraged to continue tweaking and making customizations to the design to personalize it and make it your own! This is your living portfolio site, so make sure you're happy with it.
You've been hired onto a team working on a newspaper site. The user-facing newspaper site frontend itself, and the database behind it, are already built and running. You've been asked to build an internal reporting tool that will use information from the database to discover what kind of articles the site's readers like. The database contains newspaper articles, as well as the web server log for the site. The log has a database row for each time a reader loaded a web page. Using that information, your code will answer questions about the site's user activity. The program you write in this project will run from the command line. It won't take any input from the user. Instead, it will connect to that database, use SQL queries to analyze the log data, and print out the answers to some questions.
You will develop an application that provides a list of items within a variety of categories as well as provide a user registration and authentication system. Registered users will have the ability to post, edit and delete their own items.
You will take a baseline installation of a Linux distribution on a virtual machine and prepare it to host your web applications, to include installing updates, securing it from a number of attack vectors and installing/configuring web and database servers.