
1D hydrology model based on GlaDS.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This is a python library for modeling sub-glacial water flow based on the early work of Hewitt et al (2012b). The main functionality solves the nonlinear partial differential equations that describe the dynamic hydropotential associated with evolving sub-glacial sheets and channels. To implement these solvers, the library uses the finite element analysis package firedrake. Firedrake makes it very easy to solve partial differentail equations, even if you are not an expert in numerical methods. For more information on the methods and theory behind this hydrology solver, check out some of these papers:

Getting involved

If you have a bug to report or a new feature to request, please raise the issue on our project page. You can also email me at hoffmaao@uw.edu. If you have any questions that aren't answered here, or you want to get involved and don't know how, please reach out.